n. factor, cause.
n. faculty, department.
also. фагъир.
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. prognostication, prediction; prognostic, omen, portent.
also. фелек Ӏ.
n. paralysis, palsy, condition in which one or more parts of the body become immobile (due to nerve or brain damage, etc
n. sibyl, prophetess.
n. surname, name that is shared by members of a family, family name, second name .
n. lantern, lamp.
n. plywood, board made from compressed wood chips. ФАНТАЗИЯ n. fantasy, imagination; day dream; fancy, idea; fantasia
n. rest, repose; peace; quiet.
n. placidity, serenity; insouciance, complacency.
also. фаракъатдаказ.
adv. easy, without great difficulty or effort; calmly, quietly; gently; evenly; leisurely.
adj. sumptuous, expensive, costly; magnificent, splendid, luxurious; flamboyant, showy.
also. фарашдаказ.
(-из, -на, -а) also. фараш (фараш авун).
n. difference, distinction, diversity, unlikeness; фаркь авун or арада фаркь тун v. distinguish, discern, discriminate
adj. discrepant, differing.
n. difference, distinction; inequality; dissemblance.
n. edict, decree, enactment; order; ukase, legally binding order or decree made by a Russian Czar; legally binding edict or command made by any absolu
adj. Persian, Ӏranian, Ӏrani.
n. whirligig.
1. 1) adj. eloquent, expressive; meaningful, significant; concise; speaking, talking 2) adj. fluent, fluid; running, flowing; liquid; 2
adv. emphatically, with force (as in speaking).
1. adj. immoral, unprincipled, depraved; reprobate, wicked; 2. n. debauchee, one who indulges to excess in sensual pleasures; lecher, lecherous man
1) n. model, make, style, fashion; 2) n. fashion, mode, style.
(-а, -а, -ар) n. aunt, sister of one's father or mother.
1) adj. two faced; two tongued; double; ambidextrous; 2) adj. con.
авун v. dissemble, dissimulate, act in a false or misleading manner, disguise
1) n. hypocrisy, duplicity, dissimulation; 2) n. gyp, fraud; swindle, con; bunko, cheater;
also. фашалдаказ.
1) adv. insincerely, hypocritically; 2) fraudulent.
n. fascism, dictatorial system of government characterized by extreme nationalism and right- wing authoritarian views (History), principles and method
n. fascist, one who supports fascism, one who favors a dictatorial system of government; Nazi, member of the German National Socialist Party that gove
n. February.
adj. gone; past; last; фейи йис past year.
n. porcelain, type of hard white ceramic produced using a special process, china .
1) n. mullah, teacher or learned man of the sacred Ӏslamic law; 2) n. ascetic, sadhu, one who practices self-denial for spiritual discipline
n. field marshal, officer of the highest rank in some armies.
n. paramedic, medical orderly, first aid man.
ӀӀ: фелек хьун v. get tired, become tired or fatigued; spend oneself, weary.
Ӏ 1) n. sphere, celestial sphere; 2) n. God, Supreme Being, Our Lord, Our Maker.