(-из, -на, -а) also. чиркин (чиркин авун).
1) n. mud, mire; dirt, filth; squalor, filthiness; ordure; impurity; 2) n. dirtiness; untidiness; 3) n
also. чиркиндаказ.
. 1) adv. dirtily, foully; 2) adv. slovenly; 3) adv. meanly.
onomatopoeia чирт авун v. strike sharply.
also. чиргъ.
adj. known; acquainted, familiar; au fait; чирхчир авун v. acquaint, introduce; meet; initiate; чирхчир хьун v
n. acquaintance, familiarity; awareness, knowledge; acquaintanceship, person one knows slightly.
(-ини, -ина, -ер) n. chintz, colorful cotton fabric that is often glazed; print; читинин adj. print, printed cotton
n. extension; branch, limb; spray, stick; siding, sidetrack; lay by.
n. siskin, any of several species of small European finch.
n. onion; къацу чичӀек green onion.
also. тиш.
(-ди, -да, -яр) n. locality, place; situation; community; country; ground; terrain; чкадин adj. local; акъатай чка a) n
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. bark; rind; scab, crust; cork; таран чкал cortex.
also. чукурун.
(-ди, -да, -ар) also. чукӀул.
also. чукӀун.
also. чукӀурун.
also. чила.
1. 1) adj. armless, limbless; clumsy; one armed; 2) n. left-hander, one who prefers to use the left hand
also. чирагъ.
чурун. ЧРАНА чурун. ЧУБАН n. shepherd.
n. swallow; martlet.
n. bag, sac; pack; briefcase; pouch, satchel, purse.
. n. Jew; Ӏsraelite, Hebrew; Semite.
1) n. hex, charm; slander, calumny 2) n. gossip, rumors; tattle; чугъулар авун a) v. blow upon; b) v
n. beet, beetroot, vegetable.
also. чуьк.
n. diapers.
n. soup ladle; . also. кавча.
(-из, -на, -а) 1) v. run; flee, escape, abscond; scoot, scurry; race, course; be on the run; 2) put to flight; 3) v
n. running; scurry, scamper; чукурунар авун v. run; shin.
n. balk, beam, girder, cross-beam; gully, dried-up river- bed.
n. knife, tool with a thin sharp blade that is used for cutting; chopper, device for chopping (axe, etc
(чкӀиз, чкӀана, чукӀукӀ) 1) v. fall to pieces, molder; spill; disperse; squabble; 2) v. fall to the ground, collapse; tumble; 3) v
(-из, -на, -а) 1) v. spill, scatter; disperse, intersperse; squabble; 2) v. pull down, destroy; disorganize; 3) v
(-уни, -уна, -ар) also. хешил.