n. primacy, precedence, superiority; anteriority, priority.
adv. in the first instance, first, first and foremost, in the first place, foremost.
(-ди, -да, -ар) 1) n. call; 2) n. appeal; proclamation ; эвер авун a) v. call, shout; hail, call to from a distance; invite; b) v
also. гьарай-эвер.
(-из, -на, -а) Ӏ. also. эвер (эвер авун); 2. n. call; slogan, watchword; appeal; bidding; exhortation; draft
also. куьрсун.
(-из, -на, -а) 1) v. come down or off of, get off; come out; get out; 2) v. come down, descend; fall, drop; droop; dip; alight
( эвлед) n. scion, descendant, offspring, progeny; shoot.
from generation to generation.
ХЬУН v. get married, marry, wed; take to wife, have to wife.
(-из, -на, -а) v. marry, espouse; marry off, match.
n. evolution, development.
(-из, эвяна, эвя/-а) 1) v. brush; dress, get up; 2) v. comb; card; tease.
conj. if; supposing; when; subject to; prep. in event of, in case of, on the chance of.
(-из, -на, -а) 1) v. enter on, set about, enter upon; 2) v. go with, match; fit, be suitable; pertain; come; approach
ХЬУН v. delay, linger.
(-из, -на, -а) v. linger, delay; repose; stay; hold off; lag.
v. dig up, excavate, unearth.
n. hilling; spudding; эгъвел гун v. earth; spud.
(эгъвез, эгъвена, эгъуьгъ) also. эгьуьнун.
(-из, -на, -а) v. dig, shovel; sink; mole, gopher ♦ дабан эгъуьнун v. chase, pursue; follow; hunt down; obsess, persecute; victimize
ah, oh, o, ugh.
hey, hallo!, you there!; huh! (used to gain attention); wow! (used to show pleasure, surprise or mild irritation)
n. inhabitant, resident, one who lives in a particular place.
also. игьтият.
n. ethics, morality; referent; tag adj. immoral, unprincipled, depraved; reprobate, wicked.
n. literature; letters.
adj. honest; ethical, moral; healthy.
1) n. decency, proper behavior; 2) n. moral.
also. эдеблудаказ.
. 1) adv. decently, properly; 2) dv. morally.
1. 1) adj. indecent, obscene; immodest; tasteless, offensive; unseemly, improper; 2) adj. immoral, unethical; impure, unclean; amoral; 2
1) n. salacity; scurrility, obscenity; immodesty, indecency; 2) n. amorality, state of being neither moral nor immoral; immorality, lack of principles
also. эдебсуздаказ.