also. тафаватдаказ.
adj. indifferent, uninterested, apathetic, nonchalant.
n. indifference, apathy, unconcern; nonchalance, composure; torpor, lethargy; frigidity, unfriendly manner
also. тафаватсуздаказ.
adv. all the same; no matter; indifferently.
also. тафават.
(-уни, -уна, -ар) n. tambourine, timbrel.
n. taffeta, smooth and lustrous fabric.
also. дафтар.
Ӏ n. vein; lead; conductor; course; sinew.
ӀӀ тухун.
adj. popular, of the general population; public, pertaining to an entire population; national; vernacular, in the local language; тахай буба stepfathe
adj. crazy (Slang).
also. талукь.
adv. approximately, thereabouts, nearly; roughly; more or less; some; more; most; much.
n. fool, idiot; imbecile, dolt.
ЛУЗ also. тахсирлудаказ.
n. fault, blame; guilt; тахсир хьун v. commit offense.
n. guilt, guiltiness, culpability.
adv. guiltily.
n. culprit; starter, author; тахсиркар авун v. accuse, charge (i.e. of committing a crime); incriminate, inculpate; indict, formally accuse of a crime
n. culprit; starter, author.
adj. guilty, culpable; delinquent тахсирлу авун v. accuse, charge (i.e. of committing a crime); incriminate, inculpate; indict, formally accuse of a c
also. тахсирвал.
also. тахсирвилелди.
adj. innocent, blameless, guiltless; virginal.
n. innocence, simplicity.
also. тахсирсузвилелди.
1) n. ottoman, upholstered couch without arms and sometimes without a back; davenport, type of large sofa; divan, large couch with no back or ends; 2)
n. board, plank; table, screen; billboard; clapboard also. . кьул. ТАХ-ТАХ тах-тах авун v. knock, tap; drum; chatter; thump; hammer
also. тах-тах.
also. тешвиш.
adj. assured, secure; provided, well off таъмин авун v. ensure, guarantee; provide; procure; find; instate
(-из, -на, -а) also. таъмин (таъмин авун).
also. тай ӀӀ.
n. shavings, small thin pieces of wood that have been cut or scraped from a board; filings, small metal rubbed off by a file; flakes
тун Ӏ, ӀӀ [ттун].
Ӏ adj. smooth-faced, clean shaven, shaveling.
ӀӀ тун Ӏ [ттун].
(-ци, -це, -ар) 1) n. grain, granule; corn, kernel; pip; stone; pearl; 2) n. spot; rising.
n. theater, playhouse.
n. salutation, greeting; welcome; hello.