n. appetite, hunger.
also. тавакуллагь.
n. stable, structure in which horses and other animals are housed; stabling, stall, place in a barn for horses or other animals; маларин тевле n
n. withe, osier, tough flexible branch or twig of a willow tree used in binding things; vine.
1) n. view, sight; appearance, aspect, look; kind, sort, species; residence permit; 2) n. method, procedure; mode, way; system, technique; гьар тегьер
1. 1) adj. inadequate; incommensurable; disproportionate 2) adj. ugly, haggish; frightful, monstrous; grotty, vile 3) adj
n. inadequacy; incommensurability; disproportion; disparity.
also. тегьерсуздаказ. ТЕГЬЕРСУЗДАКАЗ adv. unproportionately, out of proportion to. ТЕГЬЕРСУЗДИЗ also
also. темезхан.
n. reproach, reproof, rebuke; admonition, call down, set down; тегьне авун or тегьнеяр ягъун v. reproach, upbraid, rebuke
1) n. arrangement; measure 2) n. safeguard; caution, precaution; тедбир авай adj. careful, cautious, prudent; watchful, guarded; discreet; ♦ тедбир гу
adj. approved; tried, tested; well-tried.
n. proficiency.
adj. unschooled, unversed; young, inexperienced; inexpert.
n. inexperience, lack of experience.
without experience.
n. mediator.
(-ди, -да, -ар) 1. 1) n. one; unit; unity; тек са adv. but, barely; only; 2) n. odd number, number which leaves a remainder of one when divided by two
1 only one; 2 adv. occasionally; rarely; once in a while. ТЕКВАЛ n. solitude, loneliness; oneness, singleness; abandonment
also. тек.
1) adj. unitary, whole; unit; solitary; individual; sporadic 2) adj. occasional, infrequent; far between, intermittently; unusual, uncommon; scarce; s
1) n. invitation, invite; call; engagement; bidding; теклифдин билет n. invitation card; 2) n. proposal, proposition, suggestion; теклиф авун; a) v
also. теклиф (теклиф авун).
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. text; document; version; word.
also. декӀени.