(-из, -на, -а) v. burn up; fire, kindle, ignite; spark; light up.
also. цуьл Ӏ.
1) n. shade, shadow; umbrage; reflection; imputation; 2) n. canopy.
n. key, device used to open locks; clue, something which helps to solve a problem; fountain head, source; spring, fountain; clef, sign placed upon a s
adj. small, petty; fine; hair splitting; depthless, shallow.
adj. little, small, diminutive.
1) n. small fry; cub; tot; 2) broken money, small change; 3) n. children, kids; babies; issue.
adv. not deep, superficially.
also. гуьлуьт.
n. help, aid, assistance; relief; facilitation, promotion.
adj. unbacked, without support.
n. impotence, impotency, helplessness; feebleness.
(-из, -на, -а) also. куьмек (куьмек авун).
n. helper, one who helps; aide; assistant.
[ккуьн]. ӀӀ how much?.
[ккуьн] Ӏ also. цун ӀӀ.
(куьне) pron. you, you all.
n. grindstone, stone used for sharpening or grinding; knife-grinder, device which sharpens knives.
n. beekeeper, apiarist.
n. beekeeping, apiculture, occupation of raising bees. КУЬП (-ди, -да, -ер) n. dye house, dye-works, factory that dyes fabrics
n. dye house, dye-works, factory that dyes fabrics.
n. dipper; dyer.
(-ди, -да,) n. caviar, roe, fish eggs served as an appetizer.
[ккуьр] (-уь, -а, -ар) n. stall, stand, booth; pen, compartment in a stable for an animal.