n. might, potency, power.
adj. powerless, flaccid, feeble, impuissant, weak; forceless, impotent; paralytic, bedridden.
n. foible, weakness; feebleness, infirmity; looseness, limpness; impotence.
also. къеврагь.
adj. podgy, short and fat, stout; plump, chubby, rotund.
(-из, -на, -а) v. swell.
also. гъугъван.
(къугъваз, къугъвана,кьугъугъ) v. play, engage in a game; act, perform; toy, entertain oneself; flirt; blow, fiddle; sport
(-из, -на, -а) v. play, engage in a game; act, perform; toy, entertain oneself; flirt; blow, fiddle; sport
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. swan, large white waterbird having a long neck and webbed feet.
(-из, -на, -а) v. start, flinch, wince; give a start.
(-из, -на, -а) 1) v. shiver, wince; start, startle, shudder; 2) v. jump, spring; skip, bounce; hop; bob up and down
n. might, power; capacity.
adj. strong, forceful, having great physical power; fierce, powerful; exquisite, sharp, intense.
adv. by force, powerfully.
adj. powerless, flaccid, feeble, impuissant, weak; forceless, impotent; paralytic, bedridden КЪУДРАТСУЗВАЛ n
adj. enraged, frenzied, furious.
n. rabies, infectious fatal viral disease carried by animals (can be transmitted to humans); rabidity, state of being infected with rabies; madness, f
adj. mad, crazy, reckless.