(-у, -а, -ар) n. angle; corner; nook.
conj. when, at the hour of; now; as; just as.
n. disaster, catastrophe, calamity; affliction, tribulation; bale, evil, misery.
n. muscle.
n. muscularity; musculature, muscular system of the body (Anatomy); sinews .
n. Muslim, adherent of Ӏslam (also Muslim).
n. Ӏslam, monotheistic religion based on the teachings of the prophet Mohammed which are written out in the Koran
by - muslim.
n. wimble, drill; circulation.
1) adj. miserly, niggardly, cheap or stingy; inadequate, insufficient; 2) n. skinflint, stingy person, cheapskate, miser
n. parsimony, miserliness, stinginess; extreme frugality or thriftiness.
adv. meanly, niggardly, in a stingy or cheap manner; grudgingly, begrudgingly.
n. wire.
(-а, -а, -ар) n. barley, type of grain.
n. oil paper.
n. mouthpiece, piece placed at or in the mouth (in musical instruments, smoking paraphernalia, etc.); bit; embouchure
happy news.
adj. devotional; devout, pious, religious.
(муькъуь, муькъве, муькъвер) n. bridge, raised passage or road.
n. postponement, delay; prolongation, extension; reprieve, respite.
n. necessity, essential; indispensability; obligation; need, requirement; poverty. МУЬГЬТЕЖВАЛ n. necessity, essential; indispensability; obligation;
n. love; amour; affection, fondness.
n. print, printing; stamp, seal; impress. МУЬЖУЬД n. eight; муьжуьд лагьай adj. eighth. МУЬЖУЬД-МУЬЖУЬД n
n. print, printing; stamp, seal; impress.
recompense; bribe.
adj. other, another; diverse, varied.
муьгъ. МУЬКЪУЬ муьгъ. МУЬКӀУЬ adj. phlegmatic.
n. calm, peacefulness, quiet, tranquility; imperturbability, calmness, incapability of being easily disturbed or excited
also. муькӀуьдаказ.
adv. easy, without great difficulty or effort; calmly, quietly; gently; evenly; leisurely.
n. badger, brock.
n. doze, nap, nod; dormancy; somnolence, drowsiness.
(-уь, -е, -ер) n. rust; mildew; муьрхъ алай adj. rusty, oxidized; муьрхъ акъатун or муьрхъуь кьун or муьрхъ ягъун v