1) adj. bad; wicked; 2) adj. indecent, obscene; immodest; tasteless, offensive; unseemly, improper; 3)
1) n. filth; 2) n. villainy.
also. писдаказ.
1) adv. badly; awry; 2.) adv. indifferently; 3) adv. roughly; huskily; coarsely, grossly, rudely.
(-из, -на, -а) v. condemn, censure, denounce; convict, declare guilty.
n. whistle; toot; pipe; catcall.
(-из, писарна, -а) v. worsen, deteriorate, aggravate; deprave, impair.
n. capsule; detonator, primer, cap, cap or other object used to detonate explosives .
also. пти.
also. птик.
n. farm; nursery, place for growing and selling plants.
adj. pug nosed, snub nosed.
(-еди, -еда, -ер) n. blister, bubble, raised bubble on the skin that is filled with pus.
-ина, -ер) n. navel, omphalos, small dimple in the abdomen where the umbilical cord was once attached to the placenta; belly button (Ӏnformal)
(-ини, -ина, -ер) v. bake, cook in an oven; roast.
n. pelmeni, meat dumplings.
adj. sunken; cored; hollow.
АВУН v. give, grant, bestow; donate; remember.
n. gift, donation, grant; endowment, faculty; boon; pledge, token.
also. пишкеш (пишкеш авун).
shoo! (to a cat)
n. pedestrian, someone who travels on foot.
n. goblet, wineglass, tumbler.
adj. drunken, inebriated, intoxicated, tipsy, boozy (Slang).
(-из, -на, -а) also. пиян (пиян авун).
n. alcoholism, inebriety, intoxication, drunkenness.
n. drunkard, drunk, alcoholic, one who is addicted to alcohol, boozer (Slang).
like drunkard.
n. best man, principal attendant of the bridegroom at a wedding.
n. placard, poster; broadside.
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. plan, scheme, program; proposal, proposition; draft, blueprint. ПЛАНЕР n. sailplane, lightweight glider plane that can be lifted up
n. planetarium, orrery.
(-из, -на, -а) plan, make a scheme, plot, design; plane; sail; glide.
adj. planned; target.
adj. planless.
n. plantation; pen.
n. calisthenics.
n. patch; plaster.
n. platinum, precious metal, basic metallic element (Chemistry).
n. reserved seat.
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. cape, cloak; slicker; pallium.
also. пиле.
fairy essence.
n. stove, cooker; slab; flag stone.
n. stamp, seal; stopper, plug; filling, material used to fill a cavity in a tooth.
(-ди, -да, -ар) prep. plus, and more.
n. writ; subpoena.
n. story, tale; novel; narrative.