n. rosary, string of beads used in prayer (esp. by Roman Catholics); chaplet, string of prayer beads
тестикь авун v. confirm, verify; approve, endorse; justify, warrant; support, sustain.
(-из, -на, -а) also. тестикь (тестикь авун).
also. тестикь (тестикь авун).
n. note book, exercise book.
n. undercoat; also. . тифтиф.
(техуь, техве, техвер) 1) n. back, butt; head; 2) n. back of the head, occiput (Anatomy); nape of the neck, scruff of neck
n. cereals.
n. artificer, technician; foreman; house builder.
n. technique, method of performance; technology, technical methods and processes; mechanism; engineering
1) n. agitation, disturbance, disquiet; choppiness, troubled waters; sea, swell, large wave; 2) n. disorder, confusion, lack of order; tangle, confusi
тешкил авун v. make arrangements; fix up; stage; sponsor. ТЕШКИЛАТ n. organization, arrangement; organized body; association, union
organization; self-discipline, orderliness.
adj. organization.
in an organized way. ТЕШКИЛЛУДАКАЗ also. тешкиллувилелди. ТЕШКИЛСУЗ unorganized.
also. тешкилсуздаказ.
without organization / order.
1) n. assimilation (Linguistics), comparison; 2) n. comparison, similitude, simile, instance in which two dissimilar items are compared using the word
n. ignorance, nescience.
1. adj. bluff, precipitous, sheer; perpendicular, vertical; 2. adv. on end.
n. ascent, slope, steep.
n. slice; slab; hunch; chunk, hunk; са тике фу n. hunch of bread; са тике шекер n. lump of sugar.
тике-тике авун v. mangle; shred; jag; hack.
n. repeat, repetition, act of doing again; overlapping; renewal; relapse; rehearsal; тикрар авун v. reiterate, repeat; renew; replicate; recapitulate;