(-из, -на, -а) v. pull down, destroy; disorganize.
уьъ авун v. belch, burp, eructate.
n. factory, mill, plant.
n. manufacturer, industrialist.
1. 1) adj. unfortunate, hapless; unhappy, miserable; pitiable, wretched; 2) adj. inoffensive, harmless, innocuous, innoxious, unoffending; 2
1) n. intellect, mind, reason, intelligence; 2) n. consideration; reason; фагьум авай a) adj. sensible, rational, reasonable; wise, judicious; judicia
also. фагьум.
1) adj. thoughtful; 2) adj. smart, intelligent; shrewd, sagacious; nimble, keen. ФАГЬУМЛУВАЛ 1) n. thoughtfulness; 2) n
1) adj. stupid, muddle headed, slow-witted, slow, obtuse; cockeyed, foolish, incoherent; 2) adj. reckless, rash, heedless; dare devil, foolhardy, hare
1) n. obtuseness; 2) n. hastiness.
also. фагьумсуздаказ.
adv. blindly, blindfold; rashly, unadvisedly, foolhardily.
(-из, -на, -а) also. фагьум 2) (фагьум авун).
1) adv. long ago, way back; 2) adv. early; at an early hour; soon; betimes; 3) adv. quickly; urgently
adv. sooner or later, some time or other, some day or other, first or last.
1) adv. hourly; often, frequently; constantly; time and again; fast; thickly; 2) adv. first; rather; rater
1) adv. early; at an early hour; soon; betimes; 2) adv. first; rather; rater.
adv. long ago, way back.
1) n. use; benefit, profit; favor; dividend; account; 2) n. benefit, profit; earnings, gainings; head; riser; return
1. adj. useless; futile; impracticable, unprofitable, inutile, otiose; valueless, worthless; 2. adv. without avail, no earthly use
n. otioseness, disutility, inefficacy, inability to produce the desired results; futility, uselessness
also. файдасуздаказ.
adv. without avail, no earthly use.
n. moneylender, usurer, moneylender who charges exorbitant interest.
n. usury, gombeen, lending money at a high interest rate. ФАЙДАЧИВИЛЕЛДИ like usury, gombeen, lending money at a high interest rate
(-уни, -уна, -ар) n. fact, actuality, reality.
n. factor, cause.
n. faculty, department.
also. фагъир.
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. prognostication, prediction; prognostic, omen, portent.
also. фелек Ӏ.
n. paralysis, palsy, condition in which one or more parts of the body become immobile (due to nerve or brain damage, etc
n. sibyl, prophetess.
n. surname, name that is shared by members of a family, family name, second name .
n. lantern, lamp.
n. plywood, board made from compressed wood chips. ФАНТАЗИЯ n. fantasy, imagination; day dream; fancy, idea; fantasia
n. rest, repose; peace; quiet.
n. placidity, serenity; insouciance, complacency.
also. фаракъатдаказ.
adv. easy, without great difficulty or effort; calmly, quietly; gently; evenly; leisurely.
adj. sumptuous, expensive, costly; magnificent, splendid, luxurious; flamboyant, showy.
also. фарашдаказ.
(-из, -на, -а) also. фараш (фараш авун).