n. moonshine, strong illegally distilled alcohol (Ӏnformal); hootch, (Slang) alcoholic liquor (especially one that is of low-quality or illegally manu
n. moonshiner, one who produces alcohol illegally; person who pursues an illegal activity at night.
adj. milking . also. гзаф 1).
milking sheep. САМОВАР also. самавар. САМОДЕРЖАВИЕ n. autocracy. САМОКРИТИКА n. self criticism.
n. airplane, plane, jet plane; aircraft, any vehicle which can be flown through the air (i.e. airplane or helicopter)
n. strainer, skimmer, filter for removing impurities or foreign objects from liquids .
Ӏ n. quantity, amount; number, sum; percentage, feck.
ӀӀ йис .
n. quantity, amount; number, sum; percentage, feck.
adv. somewhere, anywhere, someplace; гьар сана adv. everywhere, anywhere; everyplace; passim.
(сани, сана, санагар) pron. one thing.
n. industry.
adv. from nowhere; from no quarter.
adv. together; along, together with; teamwise, in conjunction.
adv. nowhere.
n. sanatorium, convalescent center; sanitarium.
also. гзаф.
n. sandal. САНДУХ n. chest; box. САНЖАХ n. pin.
adv. anywhere, somewhere, someplace.
adv. nowhere; anywhere.
n. medical orderly, male nurse, one who assists a doctor in giving medical treatment; keeper; paramedic, person trained to provide emergency medical t
n. blackguard, scoundrel; scum, vagabond.
n. villainy.
n. centimeter, unit of length equal to one 100th of a meter.
also. запаб. САПУН also. запун. САР Ӏ йис Ӏ.
ӀӀ йис ӀӀ.
ХЬУН v. fade, die away; wilt, wither; droop.
n. icterus, jaundice, disorder caused by an excess of bile in the blood (characterized by yellowness of the skin, lethargy and loss of appetite) (Medi
adj. courageous, daring, brave, intrepid.
n. piston, moving cylinder used to compress gas fluid or air; valve; percussion cap; pellet.
n. dodder.
n. bindweed, convolvulus, variety of climbing flowering vine.
1) n. appraiser, estimator, valuer; 2) n. expert, cognoscente, specialist; connoisseur, proficient; fancier, maven; sharp, professional gambler
1) adj. light-headed, dizzy; frivolous, impulsive, thoughtless; scatter brained, harum scarum; 2)
1) n. lightness; flippancy; frivolity, levity; giddiness, lightheadedness; 2) n. folly, stupidity; imbecility, foolishness; ineptitude; humbug, piffle
adv. airily; giddily.
dark yellow.
n. type wheat; corn.
(сара, сара, сарар) 1) n. foretooth, incisor, nipper; саран adj. dental, odontic, pertaining to teeth; акьулдин сас n
ХЬУН v. flout, mock; scoff, scorn.
n. mockery; flout.
n. sateen, smooth cotton or linen fabric with a shiny satiny finish .
n. satire, literary work designed to demonstrate the negative aspects of human folly through the use of mockery and derision; skit, short humorous lit
Ӏ (-уни, -уна, -ар) n. sieve, device of wire mesh or perforated metal (used for straining, sifting, etc
n. enjoyment, fun, pleasure, gratification. САФАГЕЛДИ welcome, well met!, you are welcome. САФАЛУ adj
n. cleanness, state of being free of dirt; innocence, purity; fairness.
n. bile, gall.