also. тарап-туруп.
n. burglary, robbery; plunder, pillage; ransack; тараш авун a) v. rob, plunder; depredate, ravage; reive; prey upon;
n. robbery, brigandage.
(-из, -на, -а) also. тараш.
n. robber, burglar; harrier, depredator; extortioner; snatcher.
n. burglary, robbery; plunder, pillage; ransack.
predatory practices.
n. plate, flat dish for serving food; cap.
n. translation, act of rendering something into another language; interpretation, oral tra nslation from one language to another; transfer; shifting;
Ӏ n. praise, laud.
ӀӀ n. definition; determination; decision; attribute, adjective (Grammar).
ӀӀӀ [ттариф] n. tariff, rate.
adj. vaunted.
adj. commendable, laudable, praiseworthy; recommendatory.
(-из, -на, -а) also. тариф Ӏ (тариф авун).
1) n. history; story; 2) n. date; when.
adj. historic, historical.
adj. dateless, undated.
(таркуни, таркуна, -ар) n. pistil, female reproductive organ in flowers; pestle; beater, pounder .
n. debacle, rout; defeat, smash.
(-из, -на, -а) also. тармар (тармар авун).
n. suddenness, abruptness.
(-уни, -уна, -ар) 1) n. lesson; class; task; тарсарал алахъун or тарсар чирун v. study; be engaged in, be occupied in; attend, concern; practice; purs
also. гьерт.
n. order; ceremonial; routine.
n. cockroach, roach, type of insect; beetle.
also. таз ӀӀӀ.
n. tape; tie; lace; braid.
also. дасмал.
татаб хьун or татабар хьун v. stumble.
Ӏ 1) adj. immodest, improper; salacious; scurrilous, obscene, vulgar; татугай гафар n. obscenity, curse; татугай хиялар adj
ӀӀ adj. shy, timid, bashful; humble, modest; unassertive.
Ӏ 1) n. salacity; scurrility, obscenity; immodesty, indecency; 2) n. gaucherie, indelicacy, atrocity
ӀӀ n. modesty; timidity, bashfulness. ТАТУГАЙВИЛЕЛДИ Ӏ adv. out of turn; indelicately, crudely. ТАТУГАЙВИЛЕЛДИ ӀӀ adv
n. difference, distinction, diversity, unlikeness.
n. difference, distinction; inequality; dissemblance.
. also. тафаватдаказ. ТАФАВАТДАКАЗ n. distinction; otherness; class. ТАФАВАТЛУ adj. separate; varied, different, diverse
also. тафаватдаказ.
adj. indifferent, uninterested, apathetic, nonchalant.
n. indifference, apathy, unconcern; nonchalance, composure; torpor, lethargy; frigidity, unfriendly manner
also. тафаватсуздаказ.
adv. all the same; no matter; indifferently.
also. тафават.
(-уни, -уна, -ар) n. tambourine, timbrel.
n. taffeta, smooth and lustrous fabric.
also. дафтар.
Ӏ n. vein; lead; conductor; course; sinew.
ӀӀ тухун.