n. tram, streetcar, trolley car, passenger car which is propelled by electricity and runs on rails along a regular route
n. transparency; lined paper; streamer.
n. transportation; transport; traffic.
n. transformer; compensator; quick change artist.
n. trapezium, four-sided figure which has no parallel sides; trapeze, horizontal bar suspended from two parallel ropes used for gymnastics and acrobat
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. trust.
n. triangle; delta.
n. tribune, dais, raised platform, pulpit.
n. tribunal, court of justice; court martial.
n. trigonometry, branch of mathematics dealing with the relations between the sides and angles of triangles
n. tricot; maillot, tights; leotard. ТРИКОТАЖ n. knitwear, tricot; hosiery. ТРИЛЛИОН n. trillion.
n. trolley bus, large vehicle which operates on electricity.
n. tropic, (Geography, Astronomy) either of two latitudinal parallels on the globe and their celestial equivalents that mark the sun's most northe
n. troupe, troop, group; company, ensemble.
1) n. oath, vow, pledge; 2) n. regret, sorrow, remorse, penitence; туба авун a) v. swear off; b) v. repent, regret one's past actions
(тукӀваз, тукӀуна, тукӀукӀ) v. cut, clip; carve, slice; shear, cut off hair or fleece; chaff; engrave
n. dog, canine.
n. auction; тулкӀ авун v. auctioneer, auction, put up for sale.
(-уни, -уна, -ар) 1) n. seed; тумунин adj. seminal, spermatic, pertaining to semen; pertaining to seeds; 2) n
[ттум] (-уни, -уна, -ар) 1 n. tail, rear appendage on some animals; stern, back part of anything; queue, line; tail end; following, train; flag; shank
тум-кьил авачир adj. boundless, infinite, limitless; unbounded, unlimited, spaceless.
n. rheum, head cold; snuffle.
also. тумав.
adj. bobtailed.
also. тумухъан.
also. тумухъанвал.
1) n. henchman; 2) n. satellite; henchman; hanger on.
(таз, туна, тур) 1) v. abandon, forsake, leave behind, desert; reject, renounce, give up; 2) v. admit, allow entrance; allow, permit; presume, assume;
Ӏ [ттун] (тваз, туна, тур) v. lay; set, put; encase; build; deposit ; арада душманвал тун cast in a bone between, sow discord
ӀӀ [ттун] (тваз, туна, тур) v. razor, shave.
ӀӀӀ [ттун] n. irregularity; roughness, state of having an uneven surface.
n. tundra, vast and treeless arctic region (found for example in Siberia, northern Canada, and Lapland)
n. tunnel.
n. mace, club, cudgel.
(-уни, -уна, -ар) 1) n. ball, object with a spherical shape; round toy used in games such as baseball and basketball; 2) n
n. bat, type of game played with a bat and a ball; wooden club used in baseball and cricket.
ХЬУН 1) v. collect, gather; assemble, congregate; muster, gather together; ready, prepare; 2) v. rally
n. concentration; recollection.
. 1) adv. intently; 2) adj. well knit; solid.
(-из, -на, -а) v. collect, gather; assemble, congregate; muster, gather together; ready, prepare; obtain; poll; take in
n. spindle; shank.
1 n. artilleryman, gunner, artillerist, cannoneer, soldier who operates movable or stationary mounted guns; 2) n
Ӏ n. ring, circle; coil; collar; hoop.
ӀӀ: тупӀал кал n. cow, adult female bovine (especially one which is raised to supply milk or meat).
also. тӀуб-тӀуб.