also. чила.
1. 1) adj. armless, limbless; clumsy; one armed; 2) n. left-hander, one who prefers to use the left hand
also. чирагъ.
чурун. ЧРАНА чурун. ЧУБАН n. shepherd.
n. swallow; martlet.
n. bag, sac; pack; briefcase; pouch, satchel, purse.
. n. Jew; Ӏsraelite, Hebrew; Semite.
1) n. hex, charm; slander, calumny 2) n. gossip, rumors; tattle; чугъулар авун a) v. blow upon; b) v
n. beet, beetroot, vegetable.
also. чуьк.
n. diapers.
n. soup ladle; . also. кавча.
(-из, -на, -а) 1) v. run; flee, escape, abscond; scoot, scurry; race, course; be on the run; 2) put to flight; 3) v
n. running; scurry, scamper; чукурунар авун v. run; shin.
n. balk, beam, girder, cross-beam; gully, dried-up river- bed.
n. knife, tool with a thin sharp blade that is used for cutting; chopper, device for chopping (axe, etc
(чкӀиз, чкӀана, чукӀукӀ) 1) v. fall to pieces, molder; spill; disperse; squabble; 2) v. fall to the ground, collapse; tumble; 3) v
(-из, -на, -а) 1) v. spill, scatter; disperse, intersperse; squabble; 2) v. pull down, destroy; disorganize; 3) v
(-уни, -уна, -ар) also. хешил.
also. кума Ӏ.
n. dogwood; чумал тар n. dogwood tree.
n. stick, rod; pikestaff, walking staff.
also. кӀар.
n. wild grass.
(чна, ча) pron. we; чна акуна we've found.
also. чумур.
adj. naked, nude; bald, bare; чуплах авун v. bare, uncover, expose; strip naked; чуплах хьун v. crop out, crop up; emerge, appear; strip, undress
n. bareness, nakedness, nudity.
(-из, -на, -а) also. чуплах (чуплах авун).
adj. pitted, pock marked, having permanent markings (from acne, etc.).
n. abacus, frame holding bars strung with beads which are used to make mathematical calculations.
чуру ранг n. gray, grizzle.
[ччуру] n. beard; wattle; чуру тун shave beard.
(чраз, чрана, чуруж) 1) v. bake, cook in an oven; roast; 2) v. bake, cook in an oven; roast 3) v. fry, cook in oil; grill, barbecue; roast, broil; coo
n. lizard, any of a number of four-legged reptiles with scaly skin and long tapering tails.
n. hangnail; whitlow; felon.
lezginian coat.
1. n. gratitude, gratefulness, appreciation, thankfulness, acknowledgement, thanks, blessings; чухсагъул лугьун n
(чухваз, чухвана, чухух) v. 1) comb; card; tease; 2) v. scratch; 3) v. pinch.
n. coomb, narrow valley, hollow.
(-ади, -ада, -ар) n. urine, yellowish liquid waste secreted by the kidneys through the urethra; ухь авун v
n. cast iron.