how many, how much?, what is the amount of-? са шумуд adv. a few; several, some; rather; шумудни-садра adv
how much?.
(-ади, -ада, -ар) n. curd, milk product which is eaten as a food or made into cheese; cottage cheese, type of soft white cheese made from the curds of
also. шурпа.
шурван пепе n. ladybird, ladybug; шурван пӀини n. cherry; cherry tree.
n. broth, bouillon, clear soup.
(шткиз, шткана, шткук) v. sweep, clean or clear away with a broom.
(-из, -на, -а) 1) v. take out; lay out; dismount; pull out; 2) v. tear; tear out; whip up. ШУТӀ (-ра, -ра, -ар) n
adj. thin, flimsy, skinny; small; sheer, transparent; fine, delicate; шуькӀуь гъал thin thread,; шуькӀуь раб thin needle; шуькӀуь ван thin voice
n. thinness, fineness, delicateness; shrewdness; tenuity.
n. hazelnut, nut of the hazel tree; filbert, type of edible nut , walnut tree; also. фундух.
n. nut tree; nut; filbert; hazel.
n. sorbet, sherbet, frozen dessert flavored with fruit and made with milk and egg white or gelatin.
n. salt marsh, wetland area containing salt water; saline, salt solution; шуьрекат квай adj. salt, salty
adj. sweetish, having a somewhat sweet flavor.
n. shavings, small thin pieces of wood that have been cut or scraped from a board; filings, small metal rubbed off by a file; flakes
1) adj. battered; crumpled; 2) adj. obscure; washy, faded; 3) adj. wilt, sear.
1) n. crease, crinkle, wrinkle; line, seam; чина шуьткьверар тун v. crinkle; crumple, wrinkle; pucker; wince; 2) fold on clothing
(шуьткьвез, шуьткьвена, шуьткьуькь) 1) v. crumple, become wrinkled; trample, crush; wrinkle, crease 2) v
(-из, -на, -а) v. crumple, wrinkle.
adj. brown, having a brown coloring; шуьтруь ранг n. brown, color brown.
1) n. glass, transparent and brittle material produced by fusing sand and other materials (used for windows, bottles, etc
n. veranda, terrace, porch, stoop.
n. saber; sword; cavalry sword.
1. adj. long lived, longeval; эбеди къацу adj. evergreen; 2. adv. constantly, always, forever; permanently; perennially; hourly; эбеди яз adv
n. eternity, perpetuity; imperishability, immortality; age, aeon.