n. delusion, fallacy, illusion; error, mistake; wrong; aberration; ягъалмишвал авун v. make a mistake, err, fault; slip, stumble
(-а, -а, -ар) n. declivity, slope, decline.
n. villain, miscreant, wicked person; malefactor, evildoer; fiend; cannibal; heavy.
ягъиз-ягъиз ракъурун v. drive in, hammer in.
n. frying pan.
(-из, -на, -а) v. oil, lubricate, grease; smooth; smear; tallow; anoint.
1. adj. fatty; fat, corpulent; oily, greasy; bold (Computers); ягълу нек n. rich milk; 2. n. fat, oily substance present in the bodies of animals and
n. nose rag, snot rag, handkerchief, hankie, hanky, kerchief, wipe, wiper .
(-из, яна, ягъа/я) 1. 1) v. strike, hit, beat, knock; 2) v. rub, rub in; никел ягъун v. nickel; 3) v
n. battle , fight, combat, battle; action.
(-ди, -да, ) n. conscience; breast.
n. mockery, jeering; sneer, expression of ridicule and mockery; ягьанат авун or ягьанатар авун v. jeer, mock, deride
n. scoffer, mocker.
adj. conscienceless, unconscionable, unscrupulous; unabashed, unashamed; machiavellian.
1. adj. conscienceless, unconscionable, unscrupulous; unabashed, unashamed; machiavellian; ягьсуз кас n
adv. boldly.
(ци, це/цел, ятар) n. water, aqua, H2O; vacuity : цин adj. water, aquatic, hydrous; къвазнавай яд n. still water, still, dead water, ditch water, slac
n. present, gift; presentation; pledge, donative.
adv.being; also. я V.
1. adj. pitiful, pathetic; miserable, wretched; poor, abject; squalid, sordid 2. n. poor fellow, poor thing
n. spring.
см: ягълух.
(якӀу, якӀа, якӀар) n. flesh, meat; якӀун adj. meaty; вечрен як n. chicken, meat of a chicken; гатай як n
n. friend, buddy; buddy buddy, old fellow.
1 adj. authentic, reliable; positive; veracious; straight; 2. adv. authentically.
n. authenticity, reliability; veracity.
also. якъиндаказ.
adv. authentically.