Əfqan Aslanov (18 aprel 1959, Ağcabədi rayonu) — azərbaycanlı riyaziyyatçı,[mənbə göstərin]alim, Amerika Tətbiqi və Hesablama Riyaziyyatı jurnalının redaksiya heyətinin üzvü.
Əfqan Əkbər oğlu Aslanov 18 aprel 1959-cu ildə Ağcabədi rayonunun Taynaq kəndində doğulub.
O, orta təhsilini Taynaq kənd orta məktəbində aldıqdan sonra indiki Gəncə Dövlət Universitetinin riyaziyyat ixtisasına qəbul olmuş və 1978-ci ildə yüksək qiymətlərlə bitirmişdir. Əfqan Aslanov 1987-ci ildə Azərbaycan Milli Elmlər Akademiyasının Riyaziyyat İnstitutunda funksional analiz üzrə dissertasiya müdafiə edərək "riyaziyyat elmləri namizədi" alimlik dərəcəsini almışdır.
Əfqan Aslanov 1989-1993-cü illərdə Azərbaycan Dövlət İqtisad Universitetində müəllim, 1993-1995-ci illərdə baş müəllim işləmişdir. Həmçinin 1992-2001-ci illərdə Xəzər Universitetində dosent,sonra professor vəzifələrini tutmuşdur. O, 2009-cu ildə Türkiyə Cümhuriyyətində dosent elmi adını almışdır.2014-cu ildə Beykent Universitetində professor vəzifəsinə təyin olmuşdur. Hazırda Bilgi Universitetinin riyaziyyat bölümündə çalışır.
- A Aslanov, H Isaev, "On the Theory of two Parameter Spectral Problems (English Translation)", American Mathematics Society (Translation of Doklady Akademii Nauk), 225-227 (1985) SCI
- A Aslanov, M Almamedov, "On the constructive description of the spectral measure of a three parameter spectral problem", Doklady Akademii Nauk (ISSN: 0869-5652), , Moscow, 780-782 (1986) SCI
- A Aslanov, H Isaev, "On the Tensor Determinants associated with multi-parameter spectral Problems", Izvestiya: Mathematics (ISSN: 1064-5632), Moskow, (1987) SCI
- A Aslanov, "Positivity Results for operators and multi-parameter definiteness conditions", Ulyanovsk, 19 (1990)
- A Aslanov, H. Isahanly, "A multi-dimensional complex analytical view on the multiparameter spectrum and the construction of the spectral measure (english)", Khazar Math Journal, ISSN 1028-7647, 3-65 (1998)
- A Aslanov, "About the existence of the minimum and maximum of two positive operators", International Congress MASSEE 2003, Bulgaria, (2003)
- A Aslanov, "Definiteness Conditions in the Multiparameter Spectral Theory", WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, 717-721 (2004)
- A Aslanov, "The Existence and Uniqueness Theorem from a new Viewpoint", WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics , 575-578 (2004)
- A Aslanov, Existence of the minimum and maximum of two positive operators", Mathematika Balkanika, 19, 255-266 (2005)
- A Aslanov, A New Approach to the Singularity, International Conf on Engineering and Mathematics, 155-159 (2006)
- A Aslanov, Determination of convergence intervals of the series solutions of EmdenFowler equations using polytropes and isothermal spheres, Physics Letters A, 372,3555- 3561, (2008) SCI
- A Aslanov, A generalization of Lane-Emden equation, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 85(11) (2008), 1709-1725. SCI
- A Aslanov, I. Abu-AlShaikh, Further developments to decomposition methods for solving IVPs, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 48 (2008), 700-711. SCI
- A Aslanov, Approximate solutions of Emden-Fowler type of equations, International Journal of Computer Mathematics 86,5 807-826, (2009). SCI
- A.Aslanov, Existence and Uniqueness Results For Ordinary Differential Equations, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 39,6, 1809-1835, (2009) . SCI
- A. Aslanov, The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Klein-Gordon-Type Equations With Unbounded Right-Hand Side, Journal of Physical Sciences, (Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A), 64a, 2009, 149-152, SCI,
- A. Aslanov, Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Wave-Like Nonlinear Equations with Initial-Boundary Conditions, DISCRETE DYNAMICS IN NATURE AND SOCIETY, Article Number: 534165 DOI: 10.1155/2011/534165, Published: 2011, SCI.
- A. Aslanov, Analyzing "Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Fourth-Order Boundary Value Problem", MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING Article Number: 296796 DOI: 10.1155/2011/296796 Published: 2011, SCI.
- A. Aslanov, Comments on "Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving ReactionDiffusion Equations" MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING Article Number: 650472 DOI: 10.1155/2012/650472 Published: 2012 , SCI.
- A. Aslanov, A general formula for the series solution of high-order linear and nonlinear boundary value problems
- A. Aslanov, A singular initial-value problem for second order differential equations, ABSTRACT AND APPLIED ANALYSIS Article Number: 526549, Volume 2014 (2014). SCI
- A. Aslanov, On the existence of a solution of a second-order singular initial value problem, MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES, Volume: 38 Issue: 5 Pages: 980-990 Published:MAR 30 2015, SCI
- A. Aslanov, A Homotopy-Analysis Approach for Nonlinear Wave-Like Equations with Variable Coefficients, ABSTRACT AND APPLIED ANALYSIS Volume 2015 (2015), Article ID 628310, 7 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/628310
- A. Aslanov, A note on the existence of positive solutions of singular initial-value problem for second order differential equations, ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF QUALITATIVE THEORY OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Issue: 84 Article Number:UNSP 84, 2015, SCI
- A. Aslanov, An elegant exact solutions for the Emden–Fowler equations of the first kind, MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES, Volume: 39 Issue: 5 Pages: 1039-1042, 2016, DOI: 10.1002/mma.3541, SCI
- A. Aslanov, A note on the positive solutions of second order differential equations, Monatshefte für Mathematik, 2017, Volume 183, Issue 2, SCI
- A. Aslanov, On the existence of monotone positive solutions of second order differential equations, Monatshefte für Mathematik, 2017, Volume 184, Issue 4, SCI
- On the asymptotic behavior of positive solutions to nonlinear second-order differential equations, Monatshefte für Mathematik, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00605-021-01630-9, SCI
- A note on the asymptotic solution of the second order nonlinear differential equations, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 2022, SCI. in press
- A. Aslanov, A Note on Two (3+1)-Dimensional Gardner-Type Equation with Multiple Kink Solutions, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2021, 5(4) DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/jamc.2021.12.014
- A. Aslanov, Positive solutionsof Semilinear Schrödinger Equations in Two-Dimensional Exterior Domains, Monatshefte für Mathematik, 2022, SCI Accepted
- A Aslanov, "Directedness and Order Completeness of the set of self-adjoint operators in Hilbert Space", Hilbert_Schmidt Conjecture (Istanbul Bilgi University), Sep. 2002
- A Aslanov, "On some problems associated with two-parameter spectral problems", Conference on Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling, Jan. 1988
- A Aslanov, "A theory of two parameter and three parameter spectral problems", PhD dissertation, Jan. 1987
- A Aslanov, "On some inequalities for determinantal operators", Elm, Baku, Azerbaijan, Vol. 1, Jan. 1986, pp. 40-41
- A Aslanov, "On the Essential Self_Adjointness of the Separating Sustem of Operators", Elm, Baku, Vol. v 6, Jan. 1985, pp. 3-19
- A Aslanov, "Positivity Results for Determinantal Operators.", Elm, Baku 6th conference on Mathematics and Mechanics, Jan. 1985, pp. 40-41
- A Aslanov, "On the description of a spectral measure of MP self-adjoint problems", 6th Conference on Math and Mechanics, Elm, Baku, Azerbaijan, 37-39 (1986)
- A Aslanov, "Cauchy'nin Bir Eşitsizliği", Matematik Dünyası, 83 (2003)
- A Aslanov, On The Positivity Of The Difference Operators With Nonlocal Boundary Conditions, Journal of Science and Technology, Beykent University #1, (2009).
- A Aslanov, On The Convergence Of The Series Solution Of A Lane – Emden Equation Of The Second Kind, Journal of Science and Technology, Beykent University #1, (2009).
- A Aslanov, On Some Properties of Linear Inequalities for Operators, Journal of Science and Technology, Beykent University #3, (2009).
- A Aslanov, On the Model of the Effect of External Magnetic Field on Blood Flow in Stenotic Artery, Journal of Science and Technology, Beykent University #3, (2009)
- A Aslanov, On the series solution of polytropic Gas Sphreres Equation for Polytropic index n=3, Journal of Science and Technology, Beykent University #4, (2011)
- A Aslanov, On Bounds of Extremal Eigenvalues of Matrices, Journal of Science and Technology, Beykent University #4, (2011)
Alim riyazi və funksional analiz,adi diferensial tənliklər,çoxparametrli spektral nəzəriyyə və s. sahələrdə elmi əsərlər yazmışdır.Beynəlxalq jurnallarda 20-dən artıq elmi məqalənin müəllifi olan Əfqan Aslanovun 15-dən artıq beynəlxalq konfrans materiallarında da əsərlərinə rast gəlmək mümkündür.