1) n. thought, idea; mind; фикирдай adv. mentally, in the spirit; фикирдай акъатун v. overlook; фикирдал атун v. arrive at an idea 2) n. opinion, view; 3) n. supposition, assumption; conjecture, speculation; surmise, infer; фикир авун v. ponder, speculate, meditate, reflect, brood, muse, ruminate, contemplate, cogitate, chew, chew on, chew upon, mull, mull over, muse about, pore, ratiocinate, reason, study, think, ponder over, ponder on, pore over, pore upon, crew the cud ; 4) n. attention; notice; heed, regard; фикир гун v. attend, give one's attention to; фикир тагун v. be unconscious of, pass over, take no notice of; фикир чӀугун v. interest; фикирда кьун v. mean, intend; implicate, involve; imply, intimate; 5) n. care, attention, concern; worry, anxiety.

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