a harelip заячья губа
to get something artfully, without fuss and bother искуссно (хитро, ловко) чем-либо овладеть
to speak or to do smth. at the wrong moment / out of turn / out of place / beside the mark / beside the point / beside the question / out of keeping w
to feed someone like a prize turkey (a prize pig) / to stuff someone to bursting (to the bursting point) * на убой (кормить, потчевать очень сытно, об
1. to one’s heart content / as much (as long, etc.) as one likes / as much (as many) as one can find room for сколько влезет (сколько угодно, вдоволь)
to talk to one’s heart’s content наговориться вдоволь
to have a good talk наговориться
Every bird likes its own nest. / Lit. Every snipe praises its own bog. / Cf. Every bird thinks his own nest best
the place is swarming with someone or smth. / it’s simply crammed / there’s hardly room to move (to turn over) / Cf
bax qatlayıb cibinə qoymaq
= to sit within four walls / to shut oneself up / to immure oneself / to lead a secluded life = в четырёх стенах (жить, сидеть, закрыться, закупоритьс
bax dördəlli tutmaq
with an impatience / to look forward to c нетерпением
keep your both eyes open! / keep your eyes skinned (peeled)! / keep your weather-eye awake (open)! / look sharp! / look alive! смотри (гляди) в оба (б
to be all eyes / to gaze intently at someone or smth. / to gaze wide-eyed / to stare hard at someone or smth
to be all eyes watching for someone / to look for someone with all one’s eyes / Lit. to wait for someone or smth
with a great speed c большой соростью
all four sides все четыре стороны
a poor man, who has not any domestic animals бедняк, не имеющий никаких домашних животных
someone is a devil-may-care fellow / not to give a damn / one can wade through any sea / one is absolutely reckless / it makes no difference to someon
to hang on to smth. with one’s teeth / to stick to smth. tooth and nail / set one’s teeth into smth. / to hold one’s ground / to lay hold of smth
listen, one’s whole being concentrated in hearing / Cf. to become all ears / to pay full attention / to strain one’s ears to catch the slighest noise
to gallop / to set off at a full gallop быстро прогрессировать
to join battle with someone (to fight) / hand-to-hand / man-to-man fight(ing) сойтись грудь с грудью / грудь на грудь (идти один на другого в бою)
to stand up staunchly for someone or smth. / Cf. Defend someone or smth. with might and main. / Champion someone
chest * грудная клетка
a deep voice / a resonant voice * грудной голос
to play (sing) at sight / to play (to sing, to recite, etc.) without a rehearsal (without any preparation) с листа (без подготовки, имея перед собой т
smth. can never wear out / smth. will stand any amount of wear не знать веку (износу)
the floor is trembling under my feet * пол ходит под ногами
to criticize someone or smth. крыть (критиковать)
May you be soon healthy! Cкорейшего вам выздоровления!
to put on airs / to behave oneself as bully задрать нос / вести себя задирой
to press someone to one’s heart / to hold someone tight прижимать к груди
to hold out against smth. / to withstand smth. противостоять
beating one’s breast бия себя в грудь
to pride oneself on / to boast of smth. / to swagger about smth. кичиться / вытыкаться / выпендриваться
someone or smth. is to one’s liking / to be in one’s taste пасть на сердце / быть по душе / по сердцу / прийтись по вкусу
bax döşünə düşmək
not to be a pleasure for someone / to hurt someone / Cf. to go against the grain with someone / not to suit (to dislike) ломки / не в лом / не по губе
it is no pleasure for someone / it goes against the grain with someone (it’s not to his liking) не в кайф / не по кайфу / не по нутру / не по нраву (н
to unburden one’s heart / to relieve one’s feelings / let oneself go / Cf. Let off steam. / to get it off one’s chest / to find consolation изливать д
to defend someone or smth. with might and main / to stand up for someone or smth. / to stand firmly for someone or smth
* the body politic государство
Money is trouble, a mint of money - many troubles. Деньги - забота, мешок - тягота. / Деньги - временем хлопоты
Lit. Wit is better than gold. Ум золота дороже. / Имей ум всё остальное приложится. / Разум - душе во спасенье, богу на славу
= Better be born lucky than rich. = Не родись богатым, а родись счастливым.
Lit. When masters fight, it’s the servants who get their heads cracked. / Cf. The pleasures of the mighty are the tears of the poor
to snake / to loop (of roads, paths, etc.) * извиваться (виться) ужом (изгибаться, петлять, о дороге, реке и т
a ring road кольцевая дорога