bax arası olmaq
bax … arası sazdır
to be on bad terms with someone / to be at odds with someone / be hanger and tongs with someone / to be at logger heads with someone / to get on worse
to get along with someone / to get on well with someone / to live at peace with someone / to live in harmony with someone / to live in concord with so
bax … arası var
1. to like smth. greatly любить что-либо; 2. to be on friendly terms быть в дружеских отношениях
between them (among them) * в ряду (среди, в числе кого или чего-либо)
1. to give someone a start in life / to set someone up in the world вывести в люди; 2. to come right / the things take shape выводить на дорогу / выве
1. (müsbət mənada) to help people to be on the best terms строить мосты между кем-либо (посредничать, быть посредником между спорящими людьми); 2
to spoil attitude between people / to create hostility (among people) / to act as madiator (to interfere) посеять семя раздора
bax araya söz salmaq
1. to make a laughing-stock of someone / to get the rise out of someone / to make fun of someone / to take a rise out of someone / to make a monkey of
bax araya qoymaq
to poke one’s nose into smth. / to pry into smth. / to butt into smth. / to thrust one’s nose into smth
to cut someone short (to interrupt someone) встревать в разговор
One can wade through any sea. / One is absolutely reckless. / Someone is a devil-may-care fellow. / Not to give a damn
to bе a cunning / sly / ingenious / crafty man лис (об очень хитром человеке)
overseas (abroad) за бугром (за границей)
to join hands (to be together, to unite with someone) протянуть друг другу руки (работать сообща, помогать друг другу)
refuse in a helping hand to someone повернуться спиной
to be a supporter for someone / to be a strong, powerful protector быть опорой
bax arxa durmaq
bax əl vermək
to gossip now here, now there говорить за спиной
behind someone (in the past) за спиной (в прошлом)
A dog having support can win a wolf. Когда хозяин вблизи, и кошка справится с собакой. / И комар лошадь свалит, коли волк пособит
dalı bağlı olmaq
bax arxası bağlı olmaq
to be safe behind someone as if behind a stone (brick) wall / someone is reliable as a rock (as a stone, brick wall) / Cf
to pin someone down (to the floor) / to get the other down / have got someone beat / have got someone whipped / to lick someone / to knock someone int
to be the loser / to be a failure потерпеть фиаско (быть побеждённым)
bax arxası yerə dəymək
to run as fast as one’s legs can carry one (to run as fast as one can) бежать со всех ног
bax arxada demək
to haunt ухаживать за кем-либо
just behind someone / at (on) someone’s heels * за плечами (сзади, с непосредственной близости)
to rise like one man in defence of someone or smth. / to stand up (to stick up) for someone or smth. (to defend someone with might and main) вставать
to cool one’s heels / to eat lotus / to fold one’s arms / to lie softly on one’s back / to lounge about / to sit on one’s hands / to let the grass gro
not to accept one’s weak point (defeat) не признавать чью-либо вину
bax arxası üstə qoymaq
to have no influential relatives / to be unprotected (to have no support) не иметь спины (поддержки)
1. (əmin olmaq) to pin one’s faith on someone / to pin one’s hopes to someone / to count (to rely) on someone or smth
there can be no thought of smth. / there can be no question of that / it is out of the question нечего и думать (невозможно надеяться, рассчитывать на
to give a promise (to promise) ласкать надеждой
Lit. Boast not before but after the battle. / Cf. Do not boast until you see the enemy dead. / Catch the bear before you sell his skin
First catch your hare then cook him. Не говори “гоп”, пока не перепрыгнешь. / Не убив медведя, шкуру не продавай
to give smth. up as a bad job / to throw out сдавать что-либо в архив
to be dead to shame потерять стыд
to be busy as a bee (a beehive, a beaver) / Cf. to work round the clock to keep the wolf from the door / to be busy as a ticking clock / to be busy as
He who would catch fish must not mind getting wet. Кто любит мёд, тот заводит пчёл.