to take the air / to take fresh air дышать воздухом (прогуливаться)
the weather is getting dull (of cloudy weather) погода портится (об облачной погоде)
bax havanı korlamaq
to be on short commons / to live on (upon) air / to live on nothing / Amer. to live on wind pudding питаться воздухом (недоедать, не имея достаточно п
I need it desperately, as if I had a knife at my throat! хоть зарежь (выражение крайней нужды в чём-либо)
flying / in mid-flight / on the wing / in the air на лету / с лёту (в полёте)
to be in the air висеть в воздухе (быть в неопределённом положении)
bax havada qalmaq
to grasp smth. easily / to be very quick at smth. / to see with half an eye / to be quick in the uptake ловить на лету / ловить с лёту (сразу понять ч
to make smth. up / to present pure fiction / to spin smth. out of thin air / to suggest a solution out of the top of one’s head / to think of smth
to hang in the air / to fail to materialize / to be pigeonholed / to stop in midair повисать (повиснуть) в воздухе
bax havadan almaq
to make winds / to break wind / to cheese / to fart портить воздух (выпускать газы из кишечника, пукать)
someone has changed (of character, conduct) кто-либо изменился (по характеру, по поведению)
not to be responsible for one’s actions быть в невменяемом состоянии
a fine day (or weather, week) for the (young) ducks ну и погодка, как раз для уток (о дождливой погоде)
to go out for a breath of air / to stretch one’s legs / to take a stroll / to blow away the cobwebs / to be out and about проветриться / размять ноги
to bark at the moon / to bay at the moon лаять на луну
to throw money away / to chuck money about / to throw money to the winds / to make one’s money fly / to hurl money to the winds сорить деньгами / брос
Cf. down the drain * как в прорву (о беспрерывных затратах, не дающих никакого результата)
I wouldn’t take it for anything / I wouldn’t buy it for a song / I wouldn’t take it (have it) as a gift даром не надо (пренебрежительный отказ от прио
to throw words away / to spend breath / to waste one’s breathe / to speak at random / to whistle down the wind / to use words lightly / to spend one’s
easy money / money to burn шальные деньги (деньги, доставшиеся легко, без особого труда)
iron. to do smth. for love (to work hard for someone, getting nothing for one’s pains) работать на дядю (работать на кого-либо, ничего не получая за с
to chase after high wages / to chase the big money / to be eager to make big money / try to get rich quick / to be after a big pay-pocket гнаться (еха
to do smth. for nothing at all / for next to nothing / for free / Cf. for a song / for a pat on the back за здорово живёшь / на дурняка / за пять паль
to rush someone a sizable sum / Cf. to make someone pay through the nose сорвать куш / содрать солидный куш
bax havayı danışmaq
(to eat or to drink) for free (for nothing) / at other’s expense / to sponge off / Cf. to press free-bie на халяву (даром, бесплатно)
a piece of work шум (крик, скандал)
to raise a hullaballoo / to raise an uproar / to kick up a row / Amer. to raise Cain поднимать (поднять) гвалт (поднимать шум, крик, устраивать сканда
someone has a throat of cast iron / someone has a leather throat / a rude woman / a vulgar woman / a quarrelsome woman / a clamorous woman / apple-wif
1. someone is falling apart to pieces / gone to seed / one is half dead / one hardly keeps soul and body together / Cf
so that’s what all the fuss (row, rumpus) is about? / that’s what started all the hullabaloo (trouble) / that was the beginning of the strife / that w
a wild revelry (rumpus, hullaballoo) / regular uproar (commotion) / a din / an uproar / a racket / a turmoil / hurly-burly / the clouds of dust дым ко
to pay off old scores / to settle acconts with someone / to get even with someone сводить счёты
bax hayfını almaq
wasted effort не в коня корм
to be struck / to be delighted with smth. / to be in raptures over / to be astonished / to be amazed / to be astounded поражаться (восхищаться, изумля
What is got over the devil’s back is spent under his belly. / I’ll gotten ill spent. / Lightly come, lightly go
of a building project ready to be put into operation * под ключ (об объекте, который сдаётся полностью готовым к эксплуатации)
take-home meals * обеды на дом
ready meal seeker (a parasiteç a drone) бездельник (тунеядец)
to skim the cream off / to get as a windfall (to harvest what others have prepared or provided) снимать пенки / Ср
bax hazıra gəlmək
bax hazıra qonmaq
to know all the answers / to have a glib tongue / to have ready tongue / to be apt at reporter (to be able to give prompt and witty answer, to be read
1. Lit. sleeves of one’s waistcoat / nothing / a fig * от жилетки рукава (совершенно, совсем ничего); 2
someone was not so much as a twinkle in his (her) father’s eye ещё и в помине не было
there is no trace of someone or smth. / not a vestige remained of smth. нет и в помине (не существует, полностью отсутствует)