n. crease, crinkle, wrinkle; line, seam.
adv. altogether, totally; at all, not one bit; quite, completely.
n. Burmese, resident or residents of Burma.
n. mite, small amount of money.
adj. continuous; solid, massive; compact; complete, whole; perfect.
adv. entirely; round.
also. битавдаказ.
ХЬУН v. grow up; ripen, mellow, mature.
v. grow, cultivate; raise, rear; incubate, nurture.
(-из, -на, битмиш ая) also. битмишарун.
adj. flat.
adj. cast iron pot.
n. child, kid; baby; tot, tike.
adj. little, small, diminutive.
n. pupilage; nonage, status of a minor.
n. reaper, harvester, cropper.
n. mower, someone or something that mows; haymaker, person or thing which harvests and dries hay.
also. бичинчивал (бичинчивал авун).
n. flesh, meat.
adj. unable to hear, deaf; blind, impervious to; indistinct, obscure; confused, muffle; unvoiced, voiceless; backwater, out of the way; sealed, closed
n. deafness, state of being unable to hear.
also. буьшме.
n. licorice, leguminous plant; root of the licorice plant (used in medicine, liquors and candy).
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. blank, form, card, questionnaire; letterhead .
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. bloc, coalition; block; pulley, sheave, pivot; module, unit.
n. note book, writing pad, scratchpad, tablet, jotter.
n. dress, frock, gown; apparel, clothing.
(-ди, -да,) n. pugilism, boxing.
n. Bulgarian, resident of Bulgaria, one of Bulgarian origin.
n. bomb, bombshell.
n. barrel, cask, drum; roll, bun; vat.
adj. condemned.
n. canvas, coarse material; tarpaulin.
n. diamond, rock (Slang).
n. armor, armature, mail.
n. father, male parent; чӀехи буба n. grandfather, grandpa, granddad; уллу буба n. great grandfather; уллу бубаяр n
n. parents, collective body of mothers and fathers.
n. fatherhood, paternity; parentage, parenthood.
n. hemorrhoids, piles, swollen blood vessels near the anus.
adv. superficially, skin-deep.
n. poppy, plant that produces bright flowers, plant from which opium is made.
n. beard; wattle.
also. буьвел.
(-ади, -ада, -ар) n. steam, vapor, reek; fallow, lea.
n. ox, bull; beef.
adj. pregnant, impregnate, expectant, enceinte, gravid; with child.
(-из, -на, -а) also. бугъаз (бугъаз авун).
n. pregnancy, child bearing, gestation.
(-из, -на, бугъламиш ая) v. sail, float, levitate; soar, fly at a great height, glide.
n. horsefly, large bloodsucking fly which is troublesome to horses.