pron. that; such; those.
(атада, атӀабур) pron. that; such; those.
Ӏ атӀун.
ӀӀ adv. thereat.
(атӀани, атӀана, -ар) adv. thence, from there, therefrom; thereout.
adv. thereof place.
adv. thereon place,.
adv. out; here; there; away; off.
adv. there, thither, to there.
adv. hereto place.
n. atlas, collection of geographical maps; satin.
adj. beetle browed.
(-из, -на, атӀугъ/-а) v. frown, wrinkle one's brow in displeasure or anger; scowl, contract the forehead in displeasure
(-из, -на, -а) r abut.
(-из, -на, -а) also. атӀумарун.
ӀӀ (-и, -а, -ар) n. boundary; abutment; division. АТӀУРТӀ n. outgrowth; overgrowth; excrescence; knot
Ӏ (атӀуз, -ана, атӀутӀ) 1) v. cut, clip; carve, slice; shear, cut off hair or fleece; chaff; engrave 2) v
n. attendance; audience; auditorium, lecture hall.
n. pie; tart, fruit pastry; gateau, cake.
bravo, yahoo! well done!; bully for you, well done. АФИША n. poster, affiche, placard; bill, handbill, show bill; sticker
n. African, resident of Africa.
(-и, -а, -ар) 1 n. sleep, unconscious state entered into by the body for the purpose of rest and rejuvenation (in humans and animals); period of rest;
also. эхир.
n. afterlife, beyond.
акъудун. АХКЬАЛЖУН акьалжун. АХКЬАЛТУН акьалтун. АХКЬАЛТӀУН акьалтӀун. АХЛАД also. хъфин.
n. moral.
adj. immoral, unprincipled, depraved; reprobate, wicked.
n. depravity, immorality.
adj. immoral, unethical; impure, unclean; amoral.
алатун. АХЛАХЪУН алахъун. АХЛУДУН алудун.