adj. uninformed; unenlightened; unposted. БЕЙХАБАРВАЛ n. suddenness, abruptness; surprise, start. БЕЙХАБАРВИЛЕЛДИ also
adv. unexpectedly, unawares; at unawares, by surprise; suddenly, all at once; overnight.
also. бейхабардаказ. БЕЙЧАРА adj. helpless, powerless, aidless, feckless. БЕКЬЕ adj. clay pot, earthen; earthenware
n. proof, averment; substantiation, evidence; witness, testimony; vindication, acquittal; seal .
adj. known; acquainted, familiar; au fait.
n. acquaintance, familiarity; awareness, knowledge; acquaintanceship, person one knows slightly.
n. decoration, ornamentation, embellishment; decking, adornment; attire, ornament. БЕЗЕКЛУ adj. spruce, dressed up, having a smart appearance; clean a
adv. possibly, perhaps, perchance.
please, if you please; you are welcome, don't mention it (used in response to "thank you") .
adj. sodden, drenched, saturated; dripping.
n. servant, attendant; minister;slave; servitor, one who serves as an assistant to another person.
n. figure, stature; camp; mill.
also. буьндуьгуьр.
adj. violet, violaceous, purple.
n. violet, any of a number of herbaceous plants that usually have irregular purple flowers (but occasionally have white, blue, or yellow flowers)
v. pale, whiten, blanch.
n. benzine, petrol, gas, gasoline.
also. бижгъер.
n. entry, opening through which one enters; duct, passage; lane; passageway; orifice, hole into a passage (especially in the body, i
n. wealth, affluence; abundance, profusion; luxuriance, opulence; flood; exuberance; fertility; riot
adj. favored, beneficial; abundant, plentiful.
n. plenty, abundance; Grace.
adj. devoid, deficient, lacking; destitute; naked, bare; innocent; bereft, deprived of the possession or use of something
(-ини, -ина, -ер) n. getaway, escape, flight, fleeing; elopement; bine, sprout, shoot; imp.
adj. detestable, abhorrent, loathsome, hateful; putrid; filthy, grimy.
adv. worse.