луьл пиян dead drunk, blind drunk; drunk and incapable, drunk to the world.
n. barrel.
n. kebab, small pieces of meat roasted on a skewer.
n. gurgle, guggle, hubble-bubble.
n. boat, vehicle for traveling on water.
n. boatman, man who deals with or operates boats.
profession boatman.
n. lucerne, alfalfa, leguminous plant grown to feed livestock.
also. чинеруг.
also. легьзе.
damn, damnation, darn.
(-из, -на, -а) v. curse, imprecate; anathematize; blast.
adj. blasted, damned, cursed; лянетлу авун v. curse, imprecate; anathematize; blast.
here you are there!, take it!.
n. education, schooling; formation.
n. prejudice, preconception.
adj. disbeliever, faithless; unbeliever, irreligious; pagan, infidel.
n. disbelief, infidelity.
n. superstition.
adj. superstitious.
( мавгьуматчи) n. clergy, priesthood, ministry.
n. mausoleum, large and imposing tomb; tomb of Mausolus (ancient Greek king of Caria).
n. shop, store; magazine, arsenal.
n. magnet, object which has the property of attracting iron or steel; loadstone .
(макъуни, макъуна, макъар) n. share.
n. quarter, neighborhood; block; section, region; square.
also. магъара.
1) n. grotto, cave; 2) n. lair, den.
adj. beaten, defeated.
n. defeat, overthrow; beating; checkmate; rout.
магъул чӀал adj. Turkic, of the Turkic family of Altaic languages spoken in western Asia and eastern Europe (including Turkish, Azerbaijani, Turkmen,
n. region, area, territory, domain.
n. ivory, ivory black.
adj. skilful, proficient; deft, adept; skilled, expert; masterful; ingenious, clever .
also. мягьле.
adj. devoid, deficient, lacking; destitute; naked, bare; innocent; bereft, deprived of the possession or use of something
n. deprivation, privation; divestiture, stripping away of rights or property (Law); hardship, destitution; deposition, removal (from an office or posi
also. магьрумдаказ.
(-из, -на, -а) also. магьрум (магьрум авун). МАГЬСУЛАР ( магьсул) n. crop; inoculation; sowing, seeding
1n. husbandry, arable farming.
n. cloth.
n. funereal stretcher, litter for carrying the sick or wounded; sedan chair, portable covered chair carried by two people; palankeen, type of carriage