prep. over, o'er, above; afore, before.
n. economy, saving. МАДАРАВАЛ n. economy, saving. МАДАРАВИЛЕЛДИ also. мадарадаказ.
adv. economically, thriftily.
adv. still, yet; else; more; also. мад.
1) n. leisure time, leisure, spare time, off time, off; 2) n. postponement, delay; prolongation, extension; reprieve, respite
adv. leisurely, at an easy pace; by easy stages.
n. adventure, experience.
1) adj. duty bound; beholden, indebted; liable, responsible; 2) adj. bound, forced; compulsory; reluctant
n. obligation, responsibility, duty; place, position.
n. obligation, duty responsibility; indebtedness; agreement; promissory, recognizance .
( мачвар) n. astragal, astragalus, ankle bone (of vertebrates).
n. pay, salary; wages. МАЖИЖАЛ-МАЖИЖ Gog and Magog. МАЖУСИ n. pagan, heathen; gentile.
n. paganism, heathenism.
n. oppression.
мазу як n. filet, loin.
n. migraine, sick headache, headache which causes nausea.
n. fuel oil, oil which is used for fuel (made from crude petroleum).
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. ointment, salve; unction, act of anointing; мазь ягъун v. plaster; dab, spread lightly; anoint, smear; spread, apply a layer on
n. May, fifth month of the Gregorian calendar.
also. мейва.
n. square, sq., plaza, open area in a town or city. МАЙИЛ n. mission; vocation, profession; calling; avocation
n. solitude, loneliness; oneness, singleness; abandonment.
adv. fairly, objectively, impartially.
n. economy; farm; property; household, domestic establishment; house.
n. monkey, ape, simian; copy cat, mimic.
v. ape, mimic.
n. major.
n. abode, residence, abiding place.
( макарон) n. pasta, food made from strips of unleavened dough; macaroni, pasta made from a paste of wheat flour that has been formed into tubular sha
n. maximum, peak, high.
1) n. note, notice; memorandum, short written reminder; memorial; minute; 2) n. advertisement, announcement; declaration, proclamation; notification
time, it's time; вичин макъамда adv. in time, on schedule, on time; early in the day.
adj. sharp toothed.
also. мукъаят.
макъун тар n. alder, type of tree.
(-ади, -ада, -ар) n. lard, pig fat; tallow, hard fat obtained from animal products.
n. melody, tune; descant.
1) n. intent, purpose, plan; intention, mind; thought, notion; 2) n. inwardness, essence; essential; core, heart; matter, substance
Ӏ (-ди, -да,/ар) n. stock, livestock.
ӀӀ 1) n. property, possessions, personal effects; 2) n. commodity, goods, merchandise; shipment.
n. affluence, riches, wealth; richness, luxuriance, abundance; deep pocket, means, money; мал-девлет авай инсан man of substance
n. property, possessions, personal effects.
n. immovable property, immovables; real estate.
n. angel, spirit servant of God (usually shown as having wings and a halo).
n. shepherd, one who tends and herds sheep; herdsman, one who tends a herd; also. нехирбан.
n. stock raising, cattle breeding.
n. grazier, stockbreeder, one who grazes livestock for sale.
n. stock raising, animal breeding, animal adj. stock raising; also. маларбанвал.