adj. formless, amorphous, shapeless, unshapely.
adj. ungainly, awkward, clumsy.
n. larynx, structure in the upper throat of a human which contains the vocal chords; throat.
(-у, -а, -ар) n. ravine, comb, steep narrow valley carved by running water.
also. тӀимил-шимил.
ХЬУН v. resent; be aggrieved, take offense.
Ӏ кӀамукьун.
ӀӀ 1. adj. feebleminded, lacking intelligence; imbecile, mentally handicapped (Psychology); cretinous, mentally deficient (thyroid disease that causes
n. folly.
adv. fatuously, foolishly; absurdly.
adj. foolish, stupid, silly; cloddish, obtuse.
n. folly, stupidity; imbecility, foolishness; ineptitude; humbug, piffle.
n. witch, hag.
(кӀама, -на) 1) v. lack, be short of; miss; fail 2) also. кӀамаз хьун;.
ХЬУН 1v. desire, want; wish; will; love, like; 2) v. love; like; fancy, be fond of.
ӀӀ also. кӀан хьун.
Ӏ (-и, -е, -ер) n. bottom; bed; underworld.
(-из, -на, -а) v. ask, inquire, question; beg, request, plead; pray; invite, solicit. КӀАНЕР-ПУНАР n
adj. necessary, indispensable; sought for. КӀАНИВАЛ n. love; amour; affection, fondness. КӀАНИДИ adj
adj. wishful.
(-уни, -уна, -ар) 1) n. block, chunk; lump, billet; 2) n. idiot; stiff.
Ӏ (-уни, -уна, -ар) n. heart; core; pith; kernel; medulla, bone marrow (Anatomy).
ӀӀ n. cork, stopper, plug; fuse; traffic jam, congestion.
( кӀап 1) n. marc, bagasse, remains of grapes after pressing them for wine; squeeze; refuse .
adj. pug nosed, snub nosed.
also. кьепӀербан.
ӀӀ n. partnership, association, collaboration, participation; camaraderie, friendship.
Ӏ n. batch; knot; parcel.
(-цӀи, -цӀе, -ар) n. rolling pin, long tube used for pressing and flattening dough.
1. n. bone, hard structures which make up the skeleton; die, small six-sided cube used in games of chance; 2
1) n. wood; 2) n. chuck; log; billet.
n. fire wood, wood.
n. battledore; paddle; outrigger; swingletree.
adj. unseemly, unbecoming. КӀАРУ n. holiday lezgi , day of celebration. КӀАСУН (-из, -на, -а) v. bite; nip
(-у, -а, -ар) n. big box, case; cabinet, chest; cage; drawer.
v. jaws; maw; gorge, chap.
n. ball; lump; gob, wad dough.
adj. undersized, scrub.
n. brushwood, scrub, dense thicket; bush, shrub.
(-уни, -уна, -ар) n. hammer, tool with a hard solid head (used to beat, pound, drive nails, etc.).
also. кендирагъ.
also. кӀешниш.
(-ра, -ра, -ар) n. raven, corbie.
(-из, -на, -а) v. pour forth; rain; sift.
(-и, -е, -ер) n. house, home; establishment; dwelling, residence.
n. fireside, hearth; hearth and home.
n. work, labor; task; profession; occupation; vocation; place of work; prosecution; proceedings; operation
(-из, -на, -а) also. кӀвалах (кӀвалах авун).
adv. in succession, sequentially; together; in sequence.
also. кӀвал-югъ.