adv. tomorrow; next-day; manana.
also. пакгауз.
adj. tomorrow, on the day after today.
n. morning, morn. ПАКАМАЗ adv. in the morning. ПАКАМАЛАЙ n. morning, morn.
adj. morning, auroral, matutinal.
adv. in the morning.
n. sanctity, holiness; sainthood; saintliness.
adv. honestly, really, truly, in truth; fair, justly, equitably.
n. warehouse, storehouse. ПАКЕТ n. package, packet, bundle, par. ПАКУНИ пагв.
пал-пал хьун v. fall to pieces, molder; spill; disperse; squabble; пал-пал хьайи adj. crumbly, mealy; crisp; powdery; arenaceous, resembling or contai
n. pack saddle.
( пал) n. screening; attrition. ПАЛАС palas (napless woven woollen carpet). ПАЛАТА n. chamber; house; ward
n. tow; oakum, fibers taken from unraveled old ropes that when soaked in tar are used for caulking gaps in boats
n. chisel, tool with a sharp metal edge that is used to shape and cut wood and stone; bit; quarrel . ПАЛТАКЪУШ n
n. coat; topcoat, overcoat.
n. deck.
1) n. mud, mire; dirt, filth; squalor, filthiness; ordure; impurity; 2) n. clay.
also. бумазей.
also. панбаг.
n. tomato, type of vegetable.
n. monument; memorial; record.
n. support; bearing; pillar; buttress; fulcrum, point on which a lever is supported and turns .
1) n. cotton, plant of the mallow family; white fluffy fibers produced by this plant; clap; smack, swat 2) n
also. къумпара.
n. bed and board, pension; boarding school.
n. papyrus, paper reed, tall water plant of Egypt; writing material made from the tissue of the papyrus plant; ancient document written on papyrus
n. folder; portfolio; jacket.
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. steam, vapor, reek; fallow, lea.
[ппар] (-ци, -це, -ар) n. freight, shipment, cargo; goods; load, burden; haul, tote.
n. paragraph .
n. parallel. ПАРАФИН n. paraffin, wax. ПАРАХ n. cot; pound, yard.
n. parallelepiped.
n. parallelogram, four-sided plane figure with the opposite sides parallel and equal.
n. parachute, cloth dome-shaped device used for descent from airplanes .
n. blood vessel, vein.
n. periwig, peruke, wig, hairpiece.
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. park; yard; garden; fleet; policy.
n. parquet, parquetry, wooden floor.
n. burdock, plant with a prickly clinging seedpod; patsy.
n. parliament; regimen. ПАРЛАМЕНТАРИЗМ n. parliamentarism. ПАРЛАМИШУН (-из, -на, -а) v. steam thoroughly
n. hotbed, area of covered and heated ground in which plants are grown in and out of season; greenhouse
n. engine, locomotive .
n. password; parole; catchword. ПАРОХОД n. steamboat, steamship, steamer. ПАРПАР also. рапрап.
also. перпилаг.
(-ади, -ада, -ар) n. salsify.