n. desk; form .
n. clothing, apparel, garments; парталар алукӀун v. clothe oneself, dress; busk; парталар хтӀунун v. undress, disrobe; strip; peel
n. orange, round citrus fruit with a tough yellow-red peel and edible sections of juicy flesh. ПАРТИЯ n
n. fence; paling, picket fence; palisade, fence made from stakes.
. perfumery; toiletry.
also. бархун.
n. matter; substance, material; stuff; fabric.
(-ади, -ада) 1) n. rust; mildew; 2) n. mold, mustiness, mildew, fungus.
n. passport; certificate; protection.
n. passenger; fare.
adj. passenger.
adj. passive, dormant; effortless; flaccid, floppy; submissive.
prep. about, next to; around, approximately; beside, near, by; next; at.
prep. for the sake of; for; by way of. ПАТАЛАЙ prep. for; vice; in lieu of, instead of. ПАТАНДИ adj. non-resident; entrant
also. пад-пад.
adj. crooked, awry, wry, hooked, anfractuous; one-eyed; bandy; bent.
prep. for the sake of; for; by way of.
(-из, -на, -а) also. патахъ (патахъ авун).
n. curvature, act of curving; flexure, act of bending; tortuosity, quality of being twisted; curve, bend, twist
also. патахъдаказ. ПАТАХЪДАКАЗ adv. aslant; perversely. ПАТАХЪДИЗ also. патахъдаказ.
n. licence; patent.
n. gramophone, phonograph.
n. patriarchy, rule or domination by men, social organization in which the father is the highest authority
n. patriot, one who is faithful to his nation, one who loves his country.
n. patriotism, nationalism, devotion to one's nation.
n. patrol.
n. patron; cartridge; lamp socket, lamp holder; holder, receptacle; pattern; collet; cam . ПАТРУМДАШ n
n. pause, cessation, stop, break; intermission, suspension.
n. rot.
n. pathos.
n. bean, haricot, haricot bean, kidney bean.
пахлава (cake, sweet baked food ).
n. cancer, carcinoma, malignant tumor; crawfish, crayfish, freshwater crustacean which resembles a small lobster; lobster, edible marine crustacean th
(-у, -а, -ар) n. pad, paw; claw; dovetail, joint comprised of a tenon and mortise.
паци-пацар авун v. somersault, make a complete forward or backward roll; tumble, perform gymnastic feats; turn handsprings
n. sovereign, king.
n. kingship, position or duties of a king; monarchy; reign.
1) n. kingdom, country or government which is ruled by a king or queen; world; 2) n. land, state; nation; commonwealth; commonweal; polity; realm, kin
adj. melancholy, sad; sorry; lamentable, mournful.
(-из, -на, -а) also. пашман (пашман авун).
1) n. sorrow; melancholy; 2) n. regret, sorrow, remorse, anguish.
also. пашмандаказ.
adv. sadly, unhappily, despondently, morosely; regretfully, unfortunately.
(пайиз, пайна, пая) v. divide, part, separate; share, apportion; divvy, divide profits.
n. club, cudgel; lump. ПАЯКЬУЛ n. club, cudgel; lump. ПАЯР пай.