(-ди, -да, -ар) 1) n. drop, blob, glob; spritz; ounce, sprinkling; bead; 2) n. dot, spot; point; period
adv. any.
adj. plain, homely; shabby.
1) n. question, query, interrogation, inquiry; 2) n. inquiry; query, question; interpellation, act of formally questioning a government official; over
1. adj. unmarried, single; empty; vacant; 2n. bachelor, celibate, unmarried man; single person.
n. solitude, loneliness; oneness, singleness; abandonment.
also. субайдаказ.
adv. lonely; alone.
1) n. proof, averment; substantiation, evidence; witness, testimony; vindication, acquittal; seal 2) n
(-из, -на, -а) also. субут (субут авун).
1. adj. unfounded, baseless; 2. adj. unfounded, unsubstantiated, unproven.
adj. unfounded, unsubstantiated, unproven.
adv. on one's bare word.
n. subject, noun to which the verb phrase in a sentence refers (Grammar); branch of studies; person or thing that is studied or examined; ego, part of
n. plaster, stucco, parget.
also. сувагъ (сувагъ авун).
n. plasterer, one who covers walls with white paint. СУВАГЪЧИВАЛ n. plasterer, one who covers walls with white paint
adj. boring, dull, monotonous, not interesting.
n. court of law, tribunal, law court; trial, examination of facts by a judicial tribunal (Law); judicature, league of judges; judgement, verdict
n. aftermath, consequences.
n. howl, yowl; moan, groan.
n. nature, character, temperament; disposition, humor.
(-из, -на, -а) v. rob, plunder; depredate, ravage; reive; prey upon.
drinking bowl (as used in Central Asia.).
also. сумра.
also. самавар.
n. sumac, any of a number of small trees and shrubs having feathery leaves and a small reddish fruit; dried and powdered leaves and bark of the sumac
n. emery, powder used for grinding and polishing; abrasive, substance used for polishing (i.e. sandpaper)
n. amount, sum, tally. СУМРА n. face, physiognomy. СУН йис Ӏ.
n. venus; beauty, belle; good looker, pretty woman.
(-уни, -уна, -ар) n. chisel, tool with a sharp metal edge that is used to shape and cut wood and stone; bit; gad; boaster
n. bonesetter, one who sets broken bones; chiropractor, one who practice s chiropractic (therapeutic treatment of disease through the manipulation of
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. soup, liquid food made by simmering various ingredients (i.e. fish, chicken, etc.); bisque, meat and vegetable stew; broth, bouillo
n. colt, foal, young horse.
n. superphosphate (Chemistry), acid phosphate, mixture containing calcium acid phosphate and calcium sulfate (mainly used as an agricultural fertilize
Ӏ (-у, -а, -ар) n. tomb, grave, place where a person or thing is buried; entombment. СУР ӀӀ adj. aged, elderly, old; ancient, very old, archaic; olden
Ӏ n. knowledge; news; word; advertisement.
ӀӀ n. murrain, any of a number of cattle diseases; foot and mouth disease (Veterinary Pathology).
also. суракь Ӏ (суракь авун).
n. cemetery, graveyard, burial ground.
n. decrepitude, disrepair, dilapidation.
n. sealing wax, type of wax used for sealing letters.
n. throat, neck; lane.
суст авун v. lull, cause to fall asleep; cradle, rock soothingly; calm, pacify, soothe.