(-из, -на, -а) also. суст (суст авун).
1) n. doze, nap, nod; dormancy; somnolence, drowsiness; 2) n. languor, apathy; lassitude, lethargy; limpness, flabbiness; flatness, insipidity
n. day, period of 24 hours.
also. стун.
n. face, physiognomy.
adj. faceless; impersonal; featureless.
n. impersonality.
n. prompter.
n. table cloth, spread, cloth cover for a bed or table.
n. suffix, affix added on to the end of a word (Grammar); particle, preposition.
ХЬУН 1) v. enter, thrust in; 2) v. insinuate; wriggle, worm.
n. apprentice; pupil, schoolboy; scholar, disciple. СУХУЛМИШ ХЬУН v. invade, encroach, intrude; crash in, barge in
n. conversation, interlocution, colloquy, talk, chat; chat show, talk show.
n. companion; company; interlocutor, converser.
1) n. magic, enchantment; theurgy, medicine; 2) n. hypnosis, mesmerism. СУЬГЬУЬРЧИ 1) n. magician, wizard, sorcerer; warlock; 2) n
n. magic, enchantment; theurgy, medicine.
n. colander, strainer.
n. gonorrhea, sexually transmitted disease.
n. clabber.
(-из, -на, -а) v. strain; draft, draw out and separate.
n. clipping; circumcision.
also. спекӀ.
n. exile, banishment; expulsion, deportation; eviction, ejection; excommunication, proscription.
n. baluster, banister, railing.
1) n. picture, painting; piece; view; scene; 2) n. image, figure; form; reflection; picture; likeness; embodiment
(-из, -на, -а) v. image, mirror, reflect.
n. fire brand, brand.
n. store, supply, provisions.
ХЬУН v. rub, chafe.
(-из, -на, -а) v. rub, scrub; rasp; grate.