ӀӀ йиф.
Ӏ (-ци, -це, -ер) 1) n. crack, split; rift, fissure; chap; фер атун v. crack, split; pop; spring.
n. hen, female fowl.
also. фаракъат.
1) adj. sensible, rational, reasonable; wise, judicious; judicial 2) adj. obedient, submissive, following orders; amenable, tractable; docile, managea
n. farm, ranch; stead, framework, steelwork; location.
n. farmer, rancher, granger.
adj. inapplicable, unsuitable; unusable.
n. otioseness, disutility, inefficacy, inability to produce the desired results; futility, uselessness
n. fez, tarboosh.
n. festival.
n. figure, shape, form; stature, character.
(фитеди, фитеда, фитер) n. dung, manure, muck.
Ӏ фин ӀӀ.
ӀӀ also. йифиз.
n. physicist, natural philosopher, scientist who researches physics, one who studies the laws of nature and properties of matter and energy
n. physics, natural philosophy.
1) n. thought, idea; mind; фикирдай adv. mentally, in the spirit; фикирдай акъатун v. overlook; фикирдал атун v
adv. closely, carefully, attentively .
1) adj. thoughtful, contemplative; reflective, meditative; wistful; broody, pensive; 2) adj. attentive, observant; careful, heedful; intent
1) n. Muse; 2) n. attention, advertence; 3) n. preoccupation; solicitude; concernment.
adv. closely, carefully, attentively.
1) thoughtless, unthinking, unreflective 2) adj. hasty, impetuous, reckless; inconsiderate, thoughtless
n. hastiness.
АВУН hastiness.
adv. unadvisedly; hastily, slapdash, hurriedly.
(-ди, -да, -ер) n. elephant, type of large land mammal with a long trunk and ivory tusks, pachyderm; bishop, piece in the game of chess; диши фил n
n. philosopher, thinker.
n. philosophy, study of the principles of existence behavior and knowledge, study of the nature of human thought and of the world
n. wick, fuse.
Ӏ n. seed, ovule of a plant; semen, whitish fluid containing sperm which is eja culated by males.
ӀӀ (физ, фена, алад) 1) v. go, move; walk, tread; wade; leave, depart; come; fall; proceed, carry on; enter; sell; suit, fit; pass; follow; go round;
n. drive, ride.
also. гьяркьуь. ФИРАГЬВАЛ also. гьяркьуьвал. ФИРАГЬДИЗ also. гьяркьуьз.
also. гьяркьуь (гьяркьуь авун).
Ӏ n. mane; crest.
ӀӀ: adj. flavorless, tasteless; insipid, vapid; fresh; sweet; unleavened; having few or no mineral salts
adj. infirm, feeble; flaccid, flabby.
фиртӀ авун v. sniff.