also. бахтавардаказ.
adv. happily.
adj. glad, happy, pleased; fortunate; lucky.
n. happiness, joy, gladness, cheerfulness; fortune, luck.
adj. unfortunate, hapless; unhappy, miserable; pitiable, wretched. БАХТСУЗВАЛ n. misfortune, bad luck; infelicity, unhappiness; catastrophe, disaster
n. garden, plot of ground for growing plants; grounds, plot of land; yard, lawn.
also. бахча.
v. give, grant, bestow; donate; remember.
n. old buffalo, bull, ox. БАЦӀИ n. goatling, yeanling, kid. БАЧӀАХ adj. disheveled.
adj. disheveled, unkempt, uncombed.
adj. pitted, pock marked, having permanent markings (from acne, etc.).
adj. diehard.
adj. especial, special; extra; particular, specific; distinct; separate.
by the same token, by this token, more by token. БАШКЪАВАЛ n. difference, distinction; inequality; dissemblance
(-из, -на, -а) v. begin, start, commence.
n. hood; cowl; cape.
n. shoe; chock, wedge.
n. shoemaker, cobbler, one who makes or repairs shoes as an occupation.
v. evade, shirk.
adv. with pleasure, gladly, kindly, with great relish.
n. ringleader.
n. mastership.
adj. deserted, desolate, uninhabited; unmanned; solitary.
n. canto, section in a long poem; tune, melody; descant, music with harmonizing melodies .
n. illustration, clarification.
adj. not fresh, stale.
n. prince.
v. like, be fond of; please; fetch.
(-из, -на, -а) also. бегенмиш 2) (бегенмиш авун).
adj. sufficient, enough; ample, plenty; snug, comfortable. БЕГЬЕМАРУН (-из, -на, -а) also. бегьем 2) (бегьем авун)
also. бегьемдаказ.
adv. substantially, considerably, significantly; thoroughly, comprehensively; best; well.
adj. surface, superficial, shallow; frivolous, futile.
n. superficiality; futility. БЕГЬЕМСУЗВИЛЕЛДИ also. бегьемсуздаказ. БЕГЬЕМСУЗДАКАЗ adv. superficially, skin-deep
(-из, -на, бегьем ая) also. бегьем 2) (бегьем авун).
n. gather, harvest, yield, crop, plant.
adj. fertile, fruitful; fat, good; prolific, productive; mellow, sweet; plenteous, plentiful.