ХЬУН 1) v. increase, be on the increase; grow; accrue; multiply; enlarge; 2) v. beat; exceed, surpass, excel; lead
1. 1) over, o'er, above; afore, before; 2) excessively, immoderately; 3) also. артухлама; 4) above, over; afore, before; beyond; артух авун a) v
1) adj. excessive, immoderate; unnecessary, superfluous; redundant, abundant; over; 2) adj. complementary; supplementary, additional, extra; subsidiar
(-из, -на, -а) also. артух 4) (артух авун).
1) n. advantage, privilege; preference; interest; 2) n. excess, superfluity; surfeit, overindulgence
adv. in addition, as well; over, o'er; thereto, thereunto, withal; moreover; worse luck.
(-из, -на, артух ая) also. артух 4) (артух авун).
ару авун v. harvest, reap.
n. curd.
(-из, -на) to clot, to coagulate.
ХЬУН twist, wind* up.
(-из, -на, аруш/-а) v. coil, wind; reel, roll up.
(-уни, -уна, -ар) also. хвал.
1) n. backing, support; aid; prop; exhortation; 2) n. relative, family member, kinsman; 3) n. guardian, guard; protector; overseer; keeper, custodian
1) adj. placid, serene, halcyon, impassive, calm; 2) adj. reckless, heedless; negligent; light- hearted, nonchalant, easygoing; thoughtless
n. calm, peacefulness, quiet, tranquility; imperturbability, calmness, incapability of being easily disturbed or excited
also. архайиндаказ.
adv. airily, lightly. АРХАЙИНДИЗ also. архайиндаказ. АРШ n. zenith.
n. hock; cammock.
also. асайиш.
light-heartedly, carelessly.
n. sweet cream; custard.
adj. easy; light, not heavy.
n. easiness, lightness; levity, frivolity; flimsiness.
adv. with ease, facilely, easily; airily, lightly; simply, naturally; readily; cheaply; kindly.
also. асантдаказ.
adj. primary, first, original; primeval, initial; principal, main, prime; basic, fundamental . АСИ 1
n. blasphemy, sacrilege, profanity; oath, swear.
also. асул.
1) n. soldier, warrior; 2) n. army, host, cohort.
compulsory military service, compulsory service, selective service.
adj. undersized, scrub.
(-из, -на, -а) also. аскӀан (аскӀан авун).
n. meanness, baseness; ignominy, abjection; dirtiness, filth.
adv. basely, meanly; low. АСКӀАНДИЗ, АСКӀАНЗ also. аскӀандаказ. АСЛА also. эсиллагь.
n. lion, large carnivorous cat found in Africa and southern Asia.
adj. dependent, relying; contingent.
n. dependence; vassalage, bondage; relation; dependability, reliability; аслу туширвал n. independence; self-sufficiency; freedom
(-из, -на, -а) v. hang, drape, suspend; жува жув асмишун v. hang oneself, commit suicide by hanging oneself by the neck with a rope or cord
n. graduate, graduate student, postgraduate.
n. graduate school, institution which awards advanced academic degrees beyond the bachelor's degree (i
1. adj. slow, leisurely, unhurried; long; slack; sluggish; tardy; 2. adv. slowly, slow; heavily; deliberately
adv. slowly, slow; heavily; deliberately.
аставал акатун v. slow, decelerate, slow down; аставал кутун v. slow, retard, delay; slow down, slacken, decrease in speed
(-из, -на, астад/-а) v. roll; coup; upend.
n. lining; backing; pad.
1. 1) adj. primary, first, original; primeval, initial; principal, main, prime; basic, fundamental; 2