also. векъидаказ.
adv. hard.
(-и, -е, -ер) n. grass; herb.
n. herbage.
also. викӀегь.
n. turmoil, tumult, uproar, commotion; bustle, confusion.
n. child; baby, infant.
adj. childless; without encumbrance.
n. bicycle, bike, cycle; velocipede; push bicycle.
n. Hungarian, Magyar, native of Hungary, resident of Hungary.
n. fan, ventilator.
adj. well-fed, chubby.
(-еди, -еда, -ер) n. nettle, any of numerous plants with stingy hairs that irritate the skin on contact
ХЬУН v. accustom oneself to, habituate oneself to.
adj. accustomed, used to.
(-из, -на, -а) also. вердиш (вердиш авун).
n. custom, habit; tradition, practice; use; rut.
also. вердиш (вердиш авун).
n. speculation, deliberation; cogitation, reflection; calculation.
(-из, -на, веревирд ая) also. веревирд (веревирд авун).
n. tuberculosis, phthisis, infectious lung disease caused by the organism Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Pathology)
(-из, -на, -а) also. верем (верем авун).
n. vermicelli, pasta formed in long thin threads that are thinner than spaghetti.
n. birch, type of tree.
adj. birch, birchen.