adj. tattered, in rags. БИЗАР: v. annoy, bother, harass, irritate; pester, nag. БИЗАРВАЛ n. anguish, agony, torment; anxiety, fear
(-из, -на, бизар ая) also. бизар (бизар авун).
1) n. lady, madam, mistress.
n. nightingale, type of migratory European songbird whose male members sing at night (especially during mating season), thrush (Zoology)
n. carpus, wrist.
n. ticket, entry pass; card.
adj. ticketless.
n. knowledge, cognizance; knowing, having or reflecting knowledge or information; science, specific field of systematic knowledge
also. валлагь-биллагь.
n. base, basis, foundation; root; warp; backbone, medulla, bone marrow (Anatomy); stem, main part of a word to which affixes are added (Grammar)
ХЬУН take one's stand.
(-из, -на, -а) v. establish, found; rest.
adj. root, molar; fundamental; radical; aboriginal, native born.
adj. groundless, ungrounded, motiveless.
(-ини, -ина, -ер) n. bandage, swathe, fascia, roller bandage.
n. biology.
(бипӀин) also. пӀипӀинар.
adv. unexpectedly, unawares; at unawares, by surprise; suddenly, all at once; overnight.
n. crease, crinkle, wrinkle; line, seam.
adv. altogether, totally; at all, not one bit; quite, completely.
n. Burmese, resident or residents of Burma.
n. mite, small amount of money.
adj. continuous; solid, massive; compact; complete, whole; perfect.
adv. entirely; round.
also. битавдаказ.
ХЬУН v. grow up; ripen, mellow, mature.
v. grow, cultivate; raise, rear; incubate, nurture.
(-из, -на, битмиш ая) also. битмишарун.
adj. flat.
adj. cast iron pot.
n. child, kid; baby; tot, tike.
adj. little, small, diminutive.
n. pupilage; nonage, status of a minor.
n. reaper, harvester, cropper.
n. mower, someone or something that mows; haymaker, person or thing which harvests and dries hay.
also. бичинчивал (бичинчивал авун).
n. flesh, meat.
adj. unable to hear, deaf; blind, impervious to; indistinct, obscure; confused, muffle; unvoiced, voiceless; backwater, out of the way; sealed, closed
n. deafness, state of being unable to hear.
also. буьшме.
n. licorice, leguminous plant; root of the licorice plant (used in medicine, liquors and candy).
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. blank, form, card, questionnaire; letterhead .
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. bloc, coalition; block; pulley, sheave, pivot; module, unit.
n. note book, writing pad, scratchpad, tablet, jotter.
n. dress, frock, gown; apparel, clothing.
(-ди, -да,) n. pugilism, boxing.
n. Bulgarian, resident of Bulgaria, one of Bulgarian origin.
n. bomb, bombshell.
n. barrel, cask, drum; roll, bun; vat.
adj. condemned.