also. кӀвал - югъ.
n. woodpecker, type of bird with a hard bill for boring into trees.
n. cobble, cobblestone; rubble, pebble; rock; paving-stone.
(-из, -на, -а) 1.v. fall in; 2. n. crash, wreck; ruin, wreckage; collapse.
(-уни, -уна, -ар) n. clod, lump; ball, globe.
1n. group; 2) n. pile, stack; bale, pack; 3) n. compilation, collection of plays or other literary works; combining of documents or other materials in
n. ball; roll; ball of yarn, clew; ravel.
кӀватӀи-кӀватӀар авун v. turn over, upturn; invert; tumble.
(-из, -на, -а) v. collect, gather; assemble, congregate; muster, gather together; ready, prepare; obtain; poll; take in
v. collect, gather; assemble, congregate; muster, gather together; ready, prepare .
(-из, -на, -а) v. powder, dust with powder; scatter, sprinkle.
(-из, -на, -а) v. flow, move along smoothly, stream.
(-и, -е, -ер) 1) n. foot, body part located at the end of the leg; leg, one of the two or four limbs that support and move an animal or human; hoof, h
кӀвач-кьил гьазурун make preparations for.
also. кьилер-кӀвачер.
adv. on foot; afoot.
also. цӀвегь.
(-уь, -е, -ер) n. tip, point; neb, nib; peak.
at the head.
n. foremost people.
ХЬУН 1) v. close, shut; close up; overcast; rise; 2) v. hide, conceal oneself; lurk; dodge; 3) v. cover oneself; overcast
adj. strong, sturdy, robust; substantial, firm; refractory, tenacious; rude.
n. durability, lastingness, stability, solidity, permanence; endurance, fortitude .
adv. strongly, tightly, firmly; fixedly, steadily; home, deeply.
Ӏ also. кӀевидаказ.
ӀӀ кӀевун.
(-из, -на, -а) 1) v. hide; shield; obstruct; buckler; eclipse; occult; 2) v. conceal, hide, cover; suppress; 3) v
n. huckle bone.
n. whitebait, any of various small fish that are fried whole and eaten as delicacies (especially the herring)
(-ре, -ре, -ер) n. rooster, cock, adult male chicken.
1) кӀек; 2) n. cornflakes.
also. кӀваркӀвалаг. КӀЕКӀЕЦ n. hock; cammock. КӀЕЛ Ӏ (-е, -е, -ер) n. lamb.
ӀӀ 1) n. studies, learning; 2) n. reading; lection, section of Scripture read during a church service
n. certificate of merit; charter, patent, letter; literacy, reading and writing; кӀел-кхьин тийижир adj
adj. educated, literate; cultured.