f. 1. to become* / to get* (en)tangled / confused; to entangle oneself (in); Uşağın ayağı kəndirə dolaşdı The child’s leg got tangled with the rope; 2
I. s. roundabout, indirect; ~ yol roundabout way; ~ cavab an indirect answer; ~ nəticə an indirect result; Dolayı gəl! Come roundabout! II
z. bax dolayı II
z. bax doalyı II
i. can; bir ~ su a can of water
f. 1. to fill (d. with); vannanı su ilə ~ to fill the bath with water; Zəhmət olmasa, qəndqabını qəndlə doldurun Please, fill this sugar-basin with su
f. bax doldurtmaq
f. 1. to ask / to cause smb. to fill (d. with); 2. to ask / to cause smb. to stuff (d. with); toyuğu / balığı / ördəyi və s
f. 1. to be* filled; 2. (toyuq, balıq, balınc və s.) to be* stuffed; 3. (silah) to be* loaded / charged, to get* loaded / charged; 4
I. s. 1. full, stout, portly; (uşaq, qadın və s.) plump; ~ ay full moon; ~ uşaq plump child; 2. məc. rich in content, full of value; (kitab, nitq və s
f. to make* (d.) more substantial / solid / interesting
f. 1. (kökəlmək) to become* full / plump, to get* stout / full; 2. to become* substantial / solid, to get* substantial / solid; 3
i. 1. (bədəncə) stoutness, (uşaq, qadın) plumpness; 2. (məzmunca) richness of content, fullness; hakimiyyət dolğunluğu fullness of power
i. dollar
i. an Azerbaijani dish cooked by wrapping round forcemeat mixed with rice in vine leaves or cabbage; yarpaq ~sı forcemeat mixed with rice and wrapped
f. 1. to fill (with), to fill up (with); Zal tezliklə doldu Soon the hall filled; Tezliklə həyət adamla doldu Soon the yard filled / filled up with pe
s. smth. (meat, cabbage, etc.) fit / suitable for cooking dolma (an Azerbaijani dish cooked by wrapping round forcemeat mixed with rice in vine leaves
I. i. hail; ~ yağmaq to hail; Dolu yağır (adətən) It hails; (indi) It’s hailing II. s. 1. full (up), packed; crowded; ~ boşqab a full plate; ~ olmaq t
s. stout, portly; plump
s. bax dolubədən
i. stoutness, plumpness
i. bax doluvurma
z. with tears in one’s eyes, being deeply moved / touched
f. to be* touched / moved, to get* touched / moved; to shed* a few tears
i. stoutness; plumpness; the state of being full / crowded
-ful (the second part of compound words such as ağızdolusu - mouthful, ovucdolusu - handful)
f. to pour, to come* pouring in; to rush / to get* in with groups
i. damage done by hail
s. protuberant; d.d. bulging
s. goggle-eyed, pop-eyed; (i.s.) with bulging eyes
s. bax dombagöz
i. the state of having goggled eyes, the state of being goggle-eyed / pop-eyed
i. somersault; ~ aşmaq to somersault; to turn / to throw* a somersault
f. to somersault, to make* / to turn / to throw* a somersault
i. bot. (kartofabənzər göbələk növü) truffle
i. salience, protuberance, prominence
f. 1. to bend* down, to stoop; 2. (şişmək) to swell* out, to become* swollen
f. 1. to stick* out; qarnını ~ to stick out one’s belly; 2. to bend* (d.), to force / to cause / to ask smb
s. plump; ~ cücə a plump chicken; balaca ~ əllər little plump hands
I. i. dominant II. s. dominant, dominating; ~ ideya dominant / dominating idea
i. domination
i. dominoes pl
i. bax müstəmləkə I
i. tex. jack; ~la qaldırmaq to jack up (d.), to lift with a jack (d.), Maşını domkratla qaldır Jack up the car
I. i. tex. blast-furnace II. s.: ~ sobası blast-furnace
i. blast-furnace operator
f. to squirm; to get* / to become* squirmed
s. squirmed; timid