i. floor; ~də on the floor; ~ vurmaq to floor (d.), to lay* a floor
f. 1. to spread* (d.); to lay* (d.); xalça ilə ~ to spread* with carpets; (taxta ilə) to plank (d.); (daşla) to cobble (d
i. floor-polisher
f. 1. to be* spread / laid; (taxta ilə) to be* planked; (daşla) to be* cobbled; Bu küçə keçən il döşənib (daşla) This street was cobbled last year; 2
f. (xəlçə ilə) to ask / to cause smb. to spread (d.) with carpets; to ask / to cause smb. to plank (d
f. bax döşətdirmək
s. attractive, winning, inviting, pleasant
i. attractiveness, pleasantry
i. tib. mastitis
f. to press smb. with breast
f. to clash (with), to conflict (with)
i. apron; (qadın üçün) pinafore; (uşaq üçün) bib
s. (i.s.) with apron, (i.s.) having apron; (uşaq) (i.s.) with bib
s. (i.s.) without apron / pinafore / (uşaq) bib
s. open-breasted
i. the state of being openbreasted
s. black-breasted
i. the state or quality of being black-breasted
f. bax yığmaq
s. flat-chested
i. the state of being flat-chested
I. i. state; power; federal ~ federal state; dünya ~ləri world powers; böyük ~lər the Great Powers II
i. State system, State organization, statehood
s. antistate; ~ fəaliyyət antistate activities pl
f. to enrich (d.), to make* rich (d.)
fi. growing rich / wealthy; enrichment
f. to grow* rich / wealthy, to enrich oneself
I. i. rich man*; ~lər the rich II. s. rich, wealthy, well-to-do, well-off, prosperous; ~ adam well-to-do man*, man* of property / fortune; Onlar dövlə
i. prosperity, wealth, richness
I. i. profit-seeker, mercenaryminded person II. s. self-interested, mercenary-minded, mercenary
i. self-interest, mercenariness
I. s. indigent, poor; (i.s.) without fortune II. s. stateless; the state of being stateless / without a state
I. i. lack of fortune / wealth; poverty, poorness II. i. statelessness
i. 1. times pl.; age, epoch, period; bütən ~lərdə at all times; bizim ~də in our time; nowadays; o ~də at that time; son ~lərdə lately, recently, for
i. 1. circulation; qan ~ı circulation of blood; 2. bax dövr; ~ sürmək to live splendidly, to live on the fat of the land; ◊ Hər aşiqin bir dövranı olu
i. 1. circumference; yer kürəsinin ~si the circumference of the earth; ~ vurmaq to go* round, to sit* round, to gather round; Uşaqlar tonqalın ətrafın
f. to surround (d.), to encircle (d.), to enclose (d.), to make* a circle round (d.), to gather round (d
f. to be* surrounded / enclosed / encircled / gathered round; Ev ağaclarla dövrələnib The house is surrounded / encircled with trees
f. bax dövrələtmək
f. to ask / to cause smb. to surround (d.) / to encircle (d.)
s. round-faced
s. bax dövrəsifət
s. circular; ~ hərəkət circular motion; ~ müdafiə hərb. all-round defence
s. periodic(al); ~ mətbuat periodical press; ~ cədvəl periodical table; elementlərin ~ sistemi kim. periodic system of ele ments; ~ kəsr riyaz
i. periodicity
I. i. mal. 1. turnover; pul ~si money turnover; illik ~ annual turnover; kapital ~si turnover of capital; 2
f. to divide (d.) into periods
f. to be* divided into periods; to divide into periods
f. 1. tib. to inoculate (with or against); to vaccinate (against) (d.); 2. tib., k.t. to transplant (d
f. 1. tib. to be* inoculated / vac cinated; 2. tib.; k.t. to be* transplanted