f. to ask / to cause smb. to nudge (d.)
i. arx. bax dünən
I. i. yesterday; Dünən bazar idi Yesterday was Sunday II. s. yesterday; ~ səhər yesterday morning; ~ axşam last evening; yesterday evening; ~ gecə las
s. yesterday’s; ~ qəzet yesterday’s newspaper; ~ yağış yesterday’s rain
s. bax dünənki
I. i. universe, world; ~nın yaranması origin of the universe; bütün ~da all over the world, in the whole world, the world over; ◊ ~nın sonu / başı wor
i. the whole world, all the world over
i. world outlook, philosophy of life, outlook
z. bax dünyalarca
z. bax 1. dünyasında; 2. worldwide; ~ məşhur olmaq to be* famous world-wide
s. worldly-wise, experienced, world-wise
i. 1. bax dünyabaxışı; 2. outlook, range of vision; mental outlook; siyasi ~ political view; geniş ~ olan adam person of broad views, person with broa
z. infinitely, limitlessly; bir kəsə ~ minnətdar olmaq to be* infinitely obliged to smb.; bir kəsə ~ hörmət etmək to respect smb
z. never; Mən bunu dünyasında yaddan çıxarmayacağam I’ll never forget it
s. worldly, worldwide; ~ şöhrət worldwide fame; ~ kədər ədəb.Weltschmerz; ~ təhisil sercularized education
f. to be* secularized
fi. secularization
f. secularize (d.)
fi. becoming secularized
f. to get* / to become* secularized
i. worldliness; secularization
I. i. pearl(s); (xırdası) seed-pearls; ~ axtaran (suda) pearl-diver II. s. pearl; ~ boyunbağı pearl-necklace
i. mongrel, half-breed; (adam) metis
s. 1. two-coloured, of two colours; two-colour (attr.); elm. dichromatic; 2. (ikiüzlü) double-faced, two-face; hypocritical
i. 1. the quality of being two coloured; 2. (ikiüzlülük) the quality of being double faced
f. to wrap (d.), to roll (d.)
f. to be* rolled (in) / wrapped up
f. bax dürgələtmək
f. to ask / to cause smb. to roll in (d.) / to wrap up (d.)
s. bax dürlü-dürlü
s. different, various, diverse; ~ fikirlər various / different thoughts; ~ maraqlar diverse interests
i. pipe-shaped sandwich made by rolling thin baked bread usually with cheese
f. 1. to roll in (d.); 2. (paltarın ətəyini) to tuck (d.)
f. 1. to be* rolled (in); 2. (paltar) to be* tucked
i. pearl(s); ◊ ağzından ~ tökmək to speak eloquently and wisely
i. 1. poke, jab, hit; 2. bax dümsək
f. 1. to poke (d.), to thrust* (d.), to slip (d.), to push in (d.); bir şeyi cibinə ~ to thrust* / to slip / to tuck smth
f. 1. bax dümsükləmək; 2. bax dürtmək (1-ci mənada)
f. bax dümsüklənmək
f. bax dümsükləşmək
f. bax dümsüklətmək
f. 1. to be* poked / thrust / pushed; 2. (soxulmaq) to plunge into, to elbow one’s way; camaatın arasına ~ to plunge into the crowd
f. to stuff (d. into) / to shove (d. into) carelessly and hastily
f. to be* stuffed (into) / shoved (into) carelessly and roughly
f. to plunge all together
I. s. correct, right, true, exact, precise; yeganə ~ yol the only true way; ~ cavab correct answer; sözlərin ~ işlədilməsi right use of words; ~ ünvan
f. to be* defined more exactly / precisely, to be* made more exact / precise
f. specifying, making more exact / precise
f. to specify (d.), to make* more exact / precise (d.), to define more exactly / precisely, to introduce clarity; müqavilənin hər bir bəndini ~ to spe