fi. close fight, close engagement; əlbəyaxa ~ hand-to-hand fight, man-to-man fight; havada ~ (tutuşma) dogfight (in the air)
f. to seize(d.), to clutch; (mübarizəyə girişmək) to grapple (with); to come* to blows (with), to skirmish (with)
I. i. 1. window; casement-window; ~dən bayıra baxmaq to look out of the window; ~dən içəri baxmaq to look through the window; 2
i. window-sill; (bayır tərəfdən olan) window-ledge
s. windowless; (i.s.) without a window
i. the state of being without a window / windowless
i. Thursday; ~ günləri on Thursdays, every Thursday
i. bax pendir
i. 1. (müxt. mənalarda) wing; (quşlarda və poeziyada) pinion; ~ vurmaq to flap wings; 2. (yel dəyirmanında) arm, sailarm, sail; 3
s. 1. sparse, scattered; ~ bitki sparse vegetation; ~ kağızlar scattered papers; ~ (balaca) kəndlər scattered hamlets; 2
i. tex. rivet, clinch(er); ~ etmək bax pərçimləmək
f. to rivet (d.), to clinch (d.)
f. to get* riveted / clinched, to become* riveted / clinched
f. bax pərçimləmək
f. bax pərçimlənmək
f. bax pərçimlətmək
f. to ask / to cause smb. to rivet (d.), to ask / to cause smb. to clinch (d.)
i. 1. curtain; ~ asmaq / tutmaq to curtain (d.); pəncərəyə ~ asmaq / tutmaq to curtain the window; ~ni çəkmək to draw* the curtain; Pərdə düz saat sək
f. to curtain (d.); pəncərəni ~ to curtain a window; otaqda yataq yerini ~ (pərdə ilə ayırmaq) to curtain off an alcove
f. to become* curtained, to be* curtained
s. 1. curtained, (i.s.) furnished with a curtain; ~ otaq curtained room; Otaq pərdəlidir The room is furnished with a curtain; 2
s. bax salaqqulaq
z. sparse, scattered; (ev və s.) straggling; (fikir və s.) disconnected, incoherent; ~ salmaq to drive* away (d
i. paranja (a special covering for woman to hide her face)
i. 1. (sick-) nurse, (dry-) nurse; 2. (xəstəxanada) nurse, hospital attendant; hərb. amer. corpsman*; 3
i. worship; (hörmət) honour, respect, esteem; reverence; bir kəsə ~ etmək to hold* smb. in reverence, to regard smb
i. place of worship, sanctuary
i. admirer, worshipper, adorer
I. i. (pair of) compasses pl. II. s. bax bacarıqlı
i. fairy, nymph, houri; su ~si mermaid, water-nymph; (qədim Yunan ədəbiyyatında) siren
I. s. 1. sad, cheerless, doleful, wistful, mournful; ~ baxış a sad / doleful / wistful look; ~ görkəm a mournful air, an air of sadness; 2
s. bax pərişan I (1-ci mənada)
f. to become* sad / wistful / doleful / cheerless
i. sadness, dolefulness, wistfulness, depression; disconnectedness
i. beauty, a beautiful woman* / girl
i. bot. horse-tail, mare’s tail
s. downcast, confused, disappointed; ~ olmaq to be* disappointed (at) / confused, to feel* / to be* upset (over); ~ etmək to disappoint (d
f. to cause smb. to get downcast / confused / disappointed / upset
f. to get* downcast / confused / disappointed / upset, to become* downcast / confused / disappointed / upset
i. confusion, disappointment
I. s. impetuous, violent, uncontrolled, unrestrained; ~ adam uncontrolled / unrestrained man* II. z. violently, impetuously
i. impetuosity, lack of selfrestraint / patient
i. butterfly; moth; gecə ~si moth
i. the flight of fledg(e)ling; ~ etmək to fly*; to grow* up
i. bax allah
i. care (of, for); uşağı ~ etmək to care for child; to look after a child, to take* care of a child*
i. (səs) alto
z. in an undertone, in a low voice, under one’s breath; ~ oxumaq to sing* in an undertone / in a low voice
i. bax sidik I
i. counter, coupon, check, cheque