s. greedy (of, for), avid (of, for), covetous
z. greedily, covetously, avidly
f. to get* / to become* greedy / covetous
i. greediness, avidity, covetousness
i. anarchy, chaos, lack of restraint, willfulness, license
f. to turn (d.), to whirl (d.), to spin* (d.), to wheel round (d.)
f. 1. to turn, to revolve; (sürətlə) to sprint*; öz oxu ətrafına ~ to revolve on its axis; 2. (gəzmək) to take* a walk / a stroll, to go* for a walk /
f. to ask / to cause smb. to turn (d.) / to spin (d.) / to whirl (d.)
i. auction; ~a qoymaq to sell* by auction (d.)
i. auction; the act of auction
I. s. comprehensive, thorough, detailed, all-round; ~ təhsil / inkişaf və s. all-round education / development, etc
I. s. 1. garrulous, talkative; ~ adam garrulous / talkative person; 2. meaningless, absurd; ~ sözlər meaningless / absurd words II
z. bax hərzə II
f. to speak* nonsense, to talk much and stupidly; to talk rot
i. talkativeness, absurdity; ~ etmək to talk nonsense, to speak nonsense, to talk much and stupidly; to talk rot
i. envy; ~ aparmaq to envy (d.); Mən ona həsəd aparıram I envy him / her; ◊ ~dən partlamaq to be* bursting with envy
z. enviously, with envy
s. envious, covetous
i. bast mat / matting
i. bast mat weaver
f. to cover the floor with bast mat
i.: ~ etmək to devote (d. to); to dedicate (d. to); to give* up (d. to); özünü ~ etmək to devote oneself (to); həyatını elmə ~ etmək to devote / to gi
i. regret (for); longing for a person or place, feeling a loss; bir kəsin ~ini çəkmək to long to see smb
s. sensible, perceptible, felt, sensitive, tactful; ~ münasibət tactful / delicate approach; ~ adam sensitive man*
i. 1. sensibleness, perceptibility, sensitiveness; 2. (radio və s.) sensitivity; 3. tactfulness
s. splendid, magnificent, great, majestic
i. insect
s. kim. insecticide
s. bot. zool. insect-eating, insectivorous; Çox quşlar həşəratyeyəndir Many birds are insectivorous
i. bax hay-küy
sy. bax səksən
sy. bax səksəninci
s. bax səksənyaşlı
bağ. even; Hamı gəlmişdi, hətta uşaqlarda Everyone came, even the children; ~ əgər even if; O, hətta təsəvvür edə bilməzdi ki, bu belədir He / She cou
i.: ~ etmək to intrust, to charge / to commission (d. with, d. with ger.); O, bu məktublara cavab verməyi sizə həvalə edir He / She entrusts you with
s. bax iridiş
i. pestle; ◊ ~də su döymək ≅ to beat* the air
i. mortar and pestle
i. wish, inclination (to, for); disposition (to); enthusiasm, animation; interest; desire (for); longing (for); ~dən düşmək to lose* desire, to be* in
i. amateur, dilettante; ~ olmaq to be* a lover (of); şahmat ~ı olmaq to be* very fond of chess; təbiət ~ı nature-lover; O, gül həvəskarıdır He / She i
z. willingly; readily; with enthusiasm, with animation; O bunu həvəslə edər He / She will be glad to do it
s. encouraging, stimulating; ~ təbəssüm encouraging smile
f. to be* encouraged, (maddi) to be* given an incentive (to); to be* stimulated
f. to encourage (d.); (maddi) to give* an incentive (to), to stimulate the interest (of)
f. to take* (to), to give* oneself up (to); to be* carried away; to take* a great interest (in smth.); to be* keen (on smth
s. enthusiastic, enthusiastical, willing
I. s. unwilling, reluctant II. z. unwillingly, with reluctance, reluctantly
i. shame; modesty; bashfulness, shyness; abrı ~sı olmamaq to be* dead to shame; ~sını itirmək to lose* all sense of shame; to be* lost to shame; ~sını
i. bax abır-həya