f. bax gözəlləşmək
f. to beautify (d.), to cause to become more beautiful (d.); to improve in appearance (d.)
f. to become* / to grow* more beautiful, to improve (in appearance); (qız) to get* / to become* prettier; Bu qız günbəgün gözəlləşir This girl is gett
i. beauty; prettiness; grace; təbiətin gözəlliyi the charms / beauty of nature; ◊ Gözəllik ondur, doqquzu dondur at
f. to darn (d.); yamamaq və ~ to patch and to darn; corab ~ to darn a sock
f. to be* darned
I. i. guard, watchman, warden; ~ olmaq to be* on guard; gecə ~si night watchman; meşə ~si forest warden II
i. 1. guarding; ~ etmək to be* a guard / a watchman*; to work as a watchman*; 2. the job of a watchman*
f. bax gözətmək
f. to ask / to force to darn (d.)
z. approximately, roughly; by eye; ~ ölçmək to measure (d.) by eye
z. bax gözgörəsi
z. openly; obviously, manifestly; ~ yalan danışmaq to tell* a barefaced lie
s. dazzling, blinding; ~ günəş işığı dazzling sunlight; ~ gözəllik dazzling beauty
fi. waiting; ~ otağı waiting-room
f. 1. to wait (for); to expect (d.); to await; oturub ~ to sit* and to wait; to cool one’s heels idiom
s. forthcoming; ~ hadisə forthcoming event
z. suddenly, all of a sudden, unexpectedly
f. 1. to be* expected, to be* waited; 2. (keşiyi çəkilmək) to be* watched / guarded; 3. (riayət edilmək) to be* kept / observed
s. bax gözlənilməz
s. unexpected, sudden, unlookedfor; ~ xəbər unexpected news; ~ ölüm sudden death; ~ nəticə unlooked-for result; ~ xəstəlik a sudden illness; ~ zərbə s
i. suddenness, unexpectedness
f. to exchange winks (with), to exchange glances
f. to make* smb. wait (for); to force to keep (d.) waiting
s. 1. (i.s.) having eyes, (i.s.) with eyes; 2. (i.s.) having drawers / pigeon-holes; üç ~ mənzil a flat with three rooms, a flat having three romms
i. spectacles, specs, eyeglasses, glasses; (gün üçün) sunglasses; (toz və s. üçün) goggles; ~ geyinmək to wear* glasses
i. optician
s. (i.s.) having glasses, (i.s.) wearing glasses
i. amulet, charm
z. superficially, cursorily; kitaba ~ baxmaq to glance over / through a book; materialla ~ tanış olmaq to glance over the material, to take* a look at
s. bax acgöz II
i. bax acgözlük
I. s. 1. (i.s.) with open eyes; 2. vigilant, watchful; clever; ~ olmaq to be* watchful / vigilant; ~ adam a watchful man* II
i. vigilance, watchfulness
I. s. 1. blindfold; ~ olmaq to be* blindfold; 2. (avam) ignorant; (savadsız) illiterate; ~ olmaq məc
i. (a game played by children in which one child, whose eyes are covered witha cloth, tries to catch the others) blindman’s buff
i. the state of being blindfold
s. bax paxıl
i. bax paxıllıq
s. bax acgöz
s. bax itigöz
s. sinful; guilty; ~ olmaq to be* sinful / guilty
s. 1. bax qorxaq II; 2. weaksighted
i. bax qorxaqlıq
i.: ~ya salmaq (izləmək) 1) to persecute (d.); to victimize (d.); 2) (əziyyət vermək) to torment (d.); to haunt (d
s. satisfied; not greedy, not avid
i. the state of being satisfied / not greedy
s. 1. weeping; in tears; 2. məc. d.d. unhappy, miserable; ~ olmaq to be* in tears; to be* unhappy / miserable