f. 1. to shed*; göz yaşı axıtmaq to shed* tears (over); qanını axıtmaq to shed* one’s blood (for); 2
i. the future life, the next / the other world, the life hereafter
I. f. to flow, to run*; (fikir, səs və s.) to flow; (insan kütləsi) pour forth / down; (vaxt) pass; Çay axır The river flows / runs; Onun burnundan qa
z. bax axmaq III
i. d.d. top.i. fools
z. foolishly, like a fool; axmaq casına hərəkət etmək to act foolishly / like a fool, to behave foolishly
f. 1. to become* stupid; 2. to fool (about), to play the fool; to say* silly things; Axmaqlama! Don’t be foolish / stupid! Don’t be an idiot!
f. bax axmaqlamaq
i. 1. foolishness, folly, stupidity; 2. (axmaq hərəkət) foolish / stupid action; axmaqlıq etmək to do* foolish / silly things; özünü axmaqlığa qoymaq
f. to cause / to force to pour ; camaatı meydana axnaşdırmaq to cause / to force the people to pour into the square
f. to pour; to gush out, to spout; Adamlar küçəyə axnaşdı The crowed poured into the street
s. lame, limping; axnaşdırmaq kişi a lame man*; axnaşdırmaq qadın a lame woman*; axnaşdırmaqlar the lame
f. to become* lame
i. lameness, limping
f. 1. to limp; to be* lame; 2. məc. to be* poor, to leave* much to be desired, to be* far from perfect, not to be* up to standard; sağ / sol ayağından
f. 1. to make* smb. lame, to cause smb. to become lame; 2. məc. to hamper (d.), to be* an obstacle (to), to be* an obsta cle in the way
I. i. 1. evening; hər axşam every evening; axşama yaxın towards evening; 2. (yığıncaq) evening party; ədəbi axşam literary evening; rəqs axşamı dance
z. bax axşam III
z. bax axşam-səhər
z. in the evening and in the morning, every day
i. evening bazar / market
z. bax axşamüstü
s. (i.s.) which took place / happened in the evening; axşamkı iclas The meeting which took place in the evening
z. towards evening, close to evening, in the afternoon
f. to pass / to spend* the night, to stay (for) the night; Axşamlayır The day is drawing to a close, Night is falling; yaman yerdə axşamlamaq to find*
f. to ask / to cause smb. to spend / to pass the night
s. (i.s.) enough for an evening; bir axşamlıq iş work for one evening; bir axşamlıq azuqə food enough for one evening
z. in the evening, towards evening; axşamüstü gəzməyə çıxmaq to go* for a walk in the evening
i. supper; axşamyeməyi yemək to have* supper; axşam yeməyindən qabaq / sonra before / after supper; axşamyeməyindən sonra gəzməyə çıxmaq to go* for a
I. i. 1. bax xacə; 2. (heyvan) gelding II. s. 1. (insan) castrated, emasculated; 2. (heyvan) gelded; axta at gelded horse; axta donuz gelded pig; axta
i. one who castrates a male animal or person
fi. 1. castration, emasculation; 2. (heyvanı) gelding
f. 1. to castrate (d.), to emasculate (d.); 2. (heyvanı) to geld (d.); keçini axtalamaq to geld a goat; 3
f. 1. to be* castrated, to be* emasculated; 2. (heyvan) to be* gelded; 3. (meyvə) to be* stoned
fs. 1. castrated, emasculated; 2. (heyvan) gelded; axtalanmış keçi gelded goat; 3. (meyvə) stoned; axtalanmış zoğal stoned Cornelian cherry
f. bax axtalanmaq
f. bax axtalatmaq
f. 1. to ask / to cause smb. to castrate (d.), to ask / to cause smb. to emasculate (d.), to have* (d
i. 1. the state of being castrated / emasculated; 2. (heyvan) the state of being gelded; 3. (meyvə) the state or quality of being stoned
s. sought-for, sought-after
f. to be* looked for / searched (after / for); O axtarılır He / She is looked for, He / She is wanted
I. i. search, research; investigation; axtarış aparmaq to search; (evdə, otaqda) to conduct a search (of); elmi axtarış scientific research / investig
i. investigator
f. 1. to look (for); to search (after, for); ev axtarmaq to look for a house, to be* in search of a house / an apartment; 2
f. bax axtartmaq
f. 1. to ask / to cause to look for / to search (after, for) (d.); 2. to ask / to cause to seek (d. for); 3
i. 1. akhund, theologian; 2. a spiritual rank in Moslem countries
i. the profession of the akhund; axundluq etmək to be* an akhund
i. manger, (feeding-) trough; (quru yem üçün) (feeding-) rack