f. 1. bax boğmaq; 2. to tighten (d.)
f. to be* tightened
f. bax boğmalatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to tighten (d.)
s. suffocating, choking, stifling; ~ şərait / atmosfer stifling atmosphere; ~ isti stifling heat; ~ qaz kim
i. stuffiness, suffocation
s. 1. hoarse, suppress, husky, constrained; ~ səs hoarse / husky / constrained voice; ~ səslə danışmaq to speak* hoarsely, to speak* in a hoarse / sup
z. hoarsely, huskily, indistinctly; ~ danışmaq to speak* hoarsely
i. 1. hoarseness, huskiness; 2. stuffi ness, closeness
fs. drowning, choking, suffocating; ~ adam (suda) a drowning man*, (havasızlıqdan) a choking / suffocating man*; Boğulan adam saman çöpündən yapışar a
i. 1. infringement; bir kəsin hüququnun ~sı infringement of smb.’s rights; 2. tib. asthma, suffocation, strangulation, asphyxia
f. to drown, to stifle (by), to choke (with), to suffocate (with); to be* stran gled (by); suda ~ to drown in the water; istidən ~ to stifle by the he
fs. choked, strangled, suffocated; ~ adam a choked / strangled man*
s. 1. bax boğuq; 2. (tutqun) dull, grey, gloomy; ~ səma gloomy sky
f. (iti) to induce to fight, to make* fight (with), to set* on; itləri ~ to set* dogs on
f. bax boğuşdurmaq
i. (it və s.) fight*
f. (it və s.) to fight
I. i. id. boxing; (peşəkar) pugilism II. s. boxing; ~ yarışları boxing competitions; ~ əlcəkləri boxing gloves III
i. boxer, (peşəkar) pugilist; yüngülçəkili ~ light-weight boxer; ağırşəkili ~ heavy-weight boxer
i. pugilism; the profession of a boxer
i. geol. bauxite
I. i. id. bax boksçu II. i. (it növü) boxer
s. rich, plentiful, abundant, lavish; ~ məhsul abundant / rich harvest, heavy crop; d.d. bumper crop; ~ olmaq to teem (with), to abound (with); to be*
z. lavishly, richly, generously
i. bolero
i. astr. fire-ball; bolide
I. i. Bulgarian II. s. Bulgarian; ~ dili Bulgarian, the Bulgarian language
z. Bulgarian; ~ danışmaq to speak* Bulgarian
f. bax bollaşmaq
f. to increase (d.), to make* plentiful; to multiply (d.)
f. to become* abundant / very many / a lot of / a great deal / very much
f. to make* abundant / plentiful, to achieve abundance
s. bax bol
z. bol-bol
I. s. bax bol II. z. bax bol-bol
I. i. abundance, plenty; profusion; xammal bolluğu abundance of raw materials; ərzaq bolluğu abundance of foodstuffs; ərzaq bolluğu yaratmaq to create
I. i. tar. Bolshevik II. s. Bolshevik, Bolshevist; ~ rəhbərliyi Bolshevist leadership
z. like a Bolshevik, as a Bolshevik
f. to become* a Bolshevik
i. siya. Bolshevism
i. tex. bolt
i. adjustable spanner; monkey wrench
fi. bolting
f. tex. to bolt (d.)
f. tex. to be* bolted
f. bax boltlatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to bolt (d.)
s. boltless; (i.s.) without a bolt
i. bomb; yandırıcı ~ incendary (bomb); fuqas ~sı demolition bomb; atom ~sı atom / atomic bomb, A-bomb; hidrogen ~sı hydrogen bomb, H-bomb; neytron ~sı