i. 1. shop-keeper; 2. policeman* on duty
i. 1. (qab şkafı) sideboard; 2. (yemək yeri) refreshment room, buffet; canteen
i. (kişi) barman; (qadın) barmaid; amer. bartender
z. today; Bugün mənim ad günümdür Today is my birthday
z. soon; in a day or two, one of these days
s. 1. today’s; ~ qəzet today’s newspaper; ◊ Bu bugünkü işi sabaha qoyma at. söz. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today; 2
I. i. 1. steam; 2. (ağızdan çıxan) exhalation; ~a vermək to steam (d.); Atdan buğ çıxır The horse is steaming II
i. bull, ox; ◊ ~ kimi güclü as strong as an ox; ~nın buynuzundan yapışmaq to take* the bull by the horns idiom
i. bull-calf
f. buğalaşmaq
i. to grow* into a bull, to become* a bull
I. i. wheat; yazlıq ~ spring wheat; payızlıq ~ winter wheat II. s. wheat; wheat en; ~ çörəyi white bread, wheaten loaf; ~unu wheat flour
i. weevil
s. qarayağız
i. 1. sweating-room (in bath houses); 2. tex. steam-shop
i. to be* evaporated / steamed
i. to evaporate (d.); to exhale (d.); to steam (d.)
fi. evaporation, exhalation
f. 1. to evaporate, to steam, to turn into a vapour, to vaporize; 2. (qeyb olmaq) to vanish, to disappear
f. bax buğlandırmaq
i. 1. anat. articulation, joint; 2. bot. churn-staff
z.: ~ doğramaq to cut* by joints; ~ olmaq d.d. to become* very fat
i. zool. arthrohoda
i. to be* articulated, to be* divided, to be* divided into parts
s. zool. articulated, segmented
s. jointless; (i.s.) without articulation
i. the state of being jointless
f. buğurlaşmaq
f. to become* / to grow* healthy and strong
i. chin; ◊ ~ salmaq / sallamaq to grow* chin; to become* stout / fat
f. to grow* chin; to become* fat / stout
i. book-keeper, accountant; baş ~ accountant general, chief accountant
I. i. the profesion of book-keeper / accountant II. s.: ~ kursu book-keeper / accountant training course
I. i. accounts department; (kiçik müəssisələrdə) counting-house II. s. book-keeping (attr.), account (attr
I. i. steam; evaporation; (zəhərli) miasma; (nəfəs) exhalation; ~da bişirmək to steam (d.) II. s. steam; ~ qazanı steamboiler; ~ mühərriki steam engin
i. 1. (hamamda) sweating-room, vapour bath; 2. tex. steam-shop
i. fire-place
i. tex. (qurğu) evaporator, vapor izer
f. to steam (d.), to evaporate (d.)
i. evaporator
f. to evaporate (d.), to exhale (d.), to evaporize (d.), to cause (d.) to turn into vapour / steam
fi. evaporation; exhalation
f. 1. to evaporate, to exhale, to turn into a vapour, to vaporize; 2. (yox olmaq) to disappear, to vanish into thin air
i. bax buxarladıcı
i. tex. steam distributor
i. fetters pl. shackle; ◊ məhəbbət ~u the shackle of love; ~ vurmaq bax buxovlamaq
f. to fetter (d.), to shackle (d.); to put* shackle on
f. to be* fettered / shackled
fs. fettered, shackled; məsuliyyətlə ~ məc. fettered by responsibility
f. buxovlatmaq