i. dilç. articulation; aydın ~ clear articulation; nitq səslərinin ~sı articulation of speech sounds
i. (aktyor) actor; dram ~i actor; opera ~i opera singer; balet ~i ballet dancer; kino ~i film actor; estrada ~i variety actor; artiste; əməkdar ~ Hono
z. artistically; ~ hərəkət etmək to act / to behave as an actor
I. i. 1. the profession of an actor; 2. artistry; ~ etmək 1) to be* an actor, to work as an actor; 2) məc
i. bot. artichoke
fi. 1. growth, increase, reproduction in quantity; 2. biol. reproduction, propagation; cinsi ~ sexual reproduction
f. 1. to grow*, to increase; çəkisi ~ (kökəlmək) to put* on weight; Çayın suyu artdı The water of the river rose; 2
i. tib. arthritis
i. tare; həqiqi / faktiki ~ real tare; orta ~ average tare
I. i. 1. woman*; ağıllı ~ clever woman*; ərli ~ married woman*; cavan ~ young woman*; qoca ~ old woman*; danışqan ~ shrew; ~ dalınca düşmək to dangle
i. household; one’s family
s. (i.s.) having family / a wife and children
I. i. a husband ruled by his wife; milksop; d.d. henpecked husband II. s. effeminate; d.d. henpecked; ~ ər henpecked husband
s. bax arvadağız II arvadağızlılıq i. effeminacy
s. womanlike, womanly; effeminate
i. womanizer, ladies’ man, ladykiller
i. courtship, courting, lovemak ing; ~ etmək to womanize, to dangle / to run* after woman*
z. like woman, as a woman, in a woman manner / way
s. 1. effeminate, (i.s.) having / with womanly character; 2. feeble, feeble minded
s. bax arvadxasiyyət
i. effeminacy; feebleness
f. 1. to behave / to act as a woman; 2. to behave / to act as a hostess / landlady
f. 1. (qız) to become* slut tish; to become* coarse; 2. (kişi) to become* effeminate
s. married; ~ kişi a married man*
i. 1. femininity, womanliness; 2. duties of a housewife; ~ etmək to be* a housewife, to act as a housewife, to look after one’s family; 3
i. the state of being married
I. s. womanish: ~ yeriş a womanish walk II. z. womanishly, like a woman*: ~ danışmaq to speak* like a woman
s. ladies’ man*; womanizer; ~ olmaq to be* a ladies’ man* / woman izer
I. i. bachelor II. s. wifeless, unmarried; single; ~ kişi unmarried / single man*; ~ ev a house without woman* / housewife; ~ olmaq to be* wifeless, t
i. the state of being wifeless
s. woman-faced, womanlike; ~ kişi a woman-faced man*
s. bax arvadsifət
i. the state of being hand some / woman-faced
s. gross; ~ çəki gross weight
s. net; ~ çəki net weight
i. 1. wish (for), desire (for); longing (for); yeni il ~ları new year’s wishes; ən yaxşı ~lar best wishes; sizin ~nuzla as you wish, in accordance wit
f. 1. to wish (d.+to inf.), to desire (d.+ to inf.); ürəkdən ~ to wish / to desire with all one’s heart and soul; görməyi ~ to wish / to desire to see
f. 1. to be* wished / desired; 2. to be* dreamed
s. 1. (i.s.) having wish / desire; 2. dreamy, (i.s.) having dreams
s. 1. undesirable, undesired; 2. objectionable; ~ hərəkətlər undesirable manners; ~ iy objectionable smell
s. desireless, wishless; (i.s.) without wish / desire
i. the state of being desireless / wishless
I. s. easy, simple, light; ~ iş easy / simple / light work; ~ üslub easy / simple style; ~ dərs easy lesson; ~ həyat easy life; Bu asan iş deyil It’s
I. s. very / too easy, quite simple II. z. too / quite easily
z. bax asan II
s. simplifying; vulgarising
fi. simplification, making easier / lighter
f. to simplify (d.), to facilitate (d.); to make* easier (d.); problemi ~ to simplify a problem; orfoqrafiyanı ~ to simplify spelling; mətni ~ to simp
fi. easying, facilitation, simplification
f. to become* easier / lighter, to become* simpler, to get* simplified; İşimiz asanlaşdı Our work became easier / simpler