I. i. 1. (müxt. mənalarda) atmosphere; 2. air II. s. atmospheric; ~ təzyiqi atmospheric pressure; ~ çöküntü atmospheric precipitation; rainfall
I. i. atom; nişanlı ~ fiz. tagged atom; ~un quruluşu atomic structure II. s. atom ic, atomical; nuclear; ~ çəkisi kim
i. atomist, atomic scientist
i. fəls. atomist
i. atomism
i. fəls. atomism
i. horse-grazer
i. horse-breaker
i. qram., fəls. attribute
s. qram. attributive; ~ əlaqə attributive link / connection; ismin ~ işlənməsi the attributive use of the noun
i. tib. atrophy
i. əcz. atropine
s. horseless; ~ kəndli horseless peasant
s. horse-faced; ~ qadın / kişi a horsefaced man* / woman*
i. attache (fr.)
i. the post of attache
I. i. attestation; ~dan keçirmək to attest (d.) II. s. attestation; ~ komissiyası attestation commission
i. certificate; kamal ~ı school-leaving certificate
i. 1. attraction; 2. (parkda) sideshow
z. hastily, in haste, hurriedly, in one’s hurry; ~ başçəkmək to visit hurriedly / hasti ly; to drop in
i. lecture-hall, lecture-room
i. auction; ~ vasitəsilə satmaq to sell* (d.) by auction
i. aul (village in the Caucasus and Central Asia)
i. 1. equipment, plant inventory; 2. furniture
I. i. simpleton, nitwit, ignoramus; simpleton, uneducated man*; ~ olmaq to be* ignorant / uneducated II
z. ignorantly; ~ pərəstiş etmək to worship ignorantly
i. ignorance, intellectual darkness; ~ etmək to act / to behave ignorantly
s. 1. successful, favourable; 2. right side (of); İşiniz avand olsun! Success attend you!
f. to be* improved / made better
f. to improve (d.), to make* better (d.), to ameliorate (d.); (düzəltmək) to amend (d.)
f. to improve, to ameliorate, to take* a turn for the better
I. i. van, vanguard; ~ olmaq to be* in the van (of) / vanguard (of), to be* in the forefront II. s. vanguard, leading; ~ rol leading role
i. the state of being advance guard
i. advance; ~ vermək to make* an advance (to); ~ almaq to get* advance money; fabrikaya ~ vermək to make* an advance to a factory
i. hazardous activity, gamble, venture, adventure; hərbi ~ military adventure
I. i. adventurer, (qız, qadın) adven turess II. s. adventurous, venturesome; risky
i. disposition to engage in ven tures
i. bax avantüraçı
z. adventurously
I. i. oar; (qoşa) scull; (kiçik) paddle; ~ çəkmək to row, to scull, to paddle II. i. Avar (nationality living in the southern Caucasus) III
s. 1. loafer, waster; idler, slacker; 2. tramp, vagrant; amer. hobo; ~ qalmaq to be* under indefinite situation / in difficult condition; bir kəsi ~ q
z. idly; ~ gəzmək to walk idly
z. bax avara-avara
i. bax avaralıq
f. to idle, to loaf; to do nothing
f. to become* / to get* idler, to become* loafer / vagrant
i. idleness; ~ etmək bax avaralanmaq
z. Avar, in Avar; ~ danışmaq to speak* Avar; ~ yazmaq to write* in Avar
i. oarsman, rower, sculler
I. i. rowing II. s. rowing; ~ idmanı rowing