f. to be* / to get* vulgar, to become* banal
fs. perverted, unnatural, vulgarized; ~ təsəvvürlər perverted notions; ~ nəzəriyyə perverted theory
f. 1. to simplify (d.); 2. to vulgarize (d.), to debase (d.), to banalize (d.)
f. to become* vulgar / banal
i. banality, commonplaceness; Bu nə bayağılıqdır! How petty!
z. a minute ago, not long ago, some minutes before
z. long ago, for a long time; Mən bayaqdan gəlmişəm I came long ago
s. recent; ~ söhbət recent talk
s. stale, not fresh; ~ çörək stale bread
i. bayati (a kind of Azerbaijani poem created by common people); ~ demək to tell bayaties
f. to become* / to get* stale
f. bax bayatımaq
i. staleness
s. bax bəyaz
s. faint, unconscious; tib. syncope
z. faintly, unconsciously
i. faintness, unconsciousness, fit, faint, swoon; tib. syncope
i. enclosure; (balacası) pen; (davar üçün) sheep-pen, sheep-fold
s. intoxicating; heady; məc. fascinating, charming
f. to faint; to swoon; to fall* down in a faint; istidən ~ to faint from the heat
f. to cause s.o. to faint / to fall* in a faint
I. i. outside; outdoors; ~a çıxmaq to go* out(side); Bayırda soyuqdur It’s cold outdoors / outside II
i. bax bayquş
i. 1. zool. owl; qulaqlı ~ longeared owl, horned owl; 2. məc. a person / a child* who is always crying / weeping
s. like an owl, owl-like
i. flag; (böyük) banner; (rəsmi) colours; (mərasimlərdə istifadə edilən) standard; ~ qaldırmaq to hoist / to raise banner / flag; ~ altında under the
i. bax bayraqdar
i. (həm müst., həm də məc.) standard-bearer
i. 1. duty of a standard-bearer; 2. leadership
s. (i.s.) with a flag / a banner
I. i. 1. holiday; festival; milli ~ nation al holiday / festival; 2. (şənlik) celebration, entertainment, festivity; ailə ~ı family celebration; ◊ Biz
s. bax bayramqabağı
i. holiday eve; holiday; ~ əhval-ruhiyyə holiday mood; ~ ticarət holiday trade
z. festively, holiday-like; ~ bəzənmək 1) to be* decorated festively 2) (geyinmək) to dress up, to smarten (oneself) up, to array oneself (as)
i. ədəb. Byronizm
I. i. 1. veterinary, veterinarian, (qısa forması) vet; 2. (pis həkim) quack (doctor) II. s. veterinary; ~ məntəqəsi veterinary station; ~ müalicəxanas
I. i. 1. the profession of veterinary; 2. veterinary science / medicine II. i. veterinary; ~ məntəqəsi veterinary station; ~ institutu veterinary coll
a word-building suffix added to the end of words meaning that the person spoken about is found of smth
i. base; basis (pl.-es); source; hərbi ~ military base; xammal ~sı source of raw materials; raw material base; yem ~sı forage reserve; enerji ~sı sour
I. i. I market; (şərqdə) bazaar; məc. bear-garden; örtülü ~ covered market; daxili ~ home market; xarici ~ foreign market; ümumi ~ common market; ~ ag
s. 1. common, plain, cheap; 2. (i.s.) made for sale
i. 1. (hərəkət) buying, purchasing; 2. (alınmış şeylər) purchase; bazarlığa getmək to go* shopping; ~ etmək to do* shopping, to make* some purchases
i. stately / impressive appearance
f. to become* to grow* hand-some / good-looking
s. handsome, good-looking; (i.s.) of an attractive appearance; (qadın) strong-looking; ~ kişi a man* of handsome presence
i. the state of being handsome / good-looking
i. 1. embankment; 2. watershed
i. bax tacir
i. arx. bax tacirbaşı